Madani & Manusiawi

Great People, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Archive for Maret 2024

Sayyang Pattudu : Peradaban Nusantara dari Sulawesi Barat. Bung Hatta : Perhimpunan Indonesia + Keberanian Politisi Pejuang. Hamas vs Israel H-175 : AS Tumben Abstain di DK – PBB terkait Resolusi Gencatan Senjata di Gaza, Hamas Minta Dibantu Melindungi Masjid Al Aqsho. Update Pilpres RI 2024 : Kamis, 28/3/2024, Hari ke-2 Sidang Gugatan di MK. Cagar Budaya Kota Bandung Dilindungi. MFN-12 : Putri, Loneliness, Solution For Broken Hearts.

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SAYYANG  PATTUDU, atraksi kuda-kuda yang dihiasi berbagai aksesoris, berjalan dan menari seiring musik yang dimainkan, untuk merayakan anak yang telah menamatkan Al-Qur’an, menyambut tamu kehormatan dan atraksi wisata. Kuda yang digunakan sudah terlatih mengikuti irama musik sambil mengikuti arak-arakan. Unik ya ..

Sulawesi Barat punya karya budaya apalagi ?

Sulawesi Barat ( Sulbar ), provinsi yang baru dibentuk 5 Oktober 2004 di utara provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan dihuni Suku Mandar ( 50% ), Suku Bugis, Suku Toraja, hingga Suku Jawa. Mereka mempunyai bermacam tradisi menarik, di antaranya :

* MELLUAS, artinya membersihkan diri. Tradisi ungkapan rasa syukur terhadap hasil panen yang baik yang rutin digelar warga Kabupaten Polewali Mandar, Sulawesi Barat. Tradisi dibuka dengan menghanyutkan aneka makanan, termasuk ayam, dan uang di wadah dari batang pisang, yang kemudian dihanyutkan ke sungai dan menjadi rebutan warga yang telah menunggu di hilir sungai, 200 meter dari lokasi acara. Lalu, berdoa dan makan bersama. Puncaknya, bersama-sama menceburkan diri  ke sungai, membersihkan diri.

* MAMOSE, tradisi ekstrem di mana para tokoh adat Budong-Budong di Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah, menunjukkan keberanian mereka menebaskan parang panjang ke tubuh mereka untuk menyatukan kekuatan dan kebersamaan masyarakat. Gendang menjadi alat musik utama. Mamose dilakukan sebelum masuk hutan, selesai membersihkan hutan, dan setelah masa panen.

* CAKKURIRI, upacara adat yang digelar 5 tahun sekali oleh masyarakat adat di kerajaan Sendana / para Pappuangang ( kelompok pelantik raja ). Acara  dimulai memotong hewan kerbau, mengibarkan bendera Cakkuriri, pusaka kerajaan Sendana, lalu ditutup penampilan penari anak dan remaja, serta pertunjukan musik tradisional.

* MACCERA BANUA, tradisi warga Kabupaten Polewali Mandar untuk menolak marabahaya yang mengancam kampung. Sebelum dimulai, warga diolesi tepung yang dicampur air suci di dahi, pipi, dan dada. Puncaknya, persembahan sesajen, berupa ketan, pisang, telur ayam kampung, nanas, dan hasil bumi lainnya.

* MATTAMU BUAH, tradisi Suku Pattae, warga Batetangnga di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar yang digelar 2-3 kali setahun untuk menyambut musim buah-buahan sebagai bentuk rasa syukur pada Tuhan YME. Dipertunjukkan pembuatan manyang mammis ( air dari pohon aren ) yang akan disuguhkan kepada hadirin. Para ibu membuat lemang ( beras ketan dimasukkan ke dalam bambu sebelum dibakar ). Acara ditutup dengan doa bersama, lalu para hadirin dipersilahkan menyantap hidangan yang telah disediakan.

** Setelah provinsi terbanyak ke-30 penduduknya di Indonesia, Sulawesi Barat ( 1.458.600 ), Kamis depan, Insya Allah menyusul Maluku Utara dengan 1.319.300 penduduk, terbanyak ke-31, giliran kita bahas. Tunggu tanggal mainnya …


Hatta ikut perkumpulan pelajar tanah air di Belanda, yaitu Indische Vereeniging. Awalnya, Indische Vereeniging hanya organisasi perkumpulan bagi pelajar. Lanjut ..


Hatta aktif bergabung dalam organisasi pergerakan Perhimpunan Indonesia. Aktivitas politik Hatta saat itu menyebabkan dirinya ditangkap tentara Belanda bersama Nazir St. Pamontjak, Ali Sastroamidjojo, dan Abdul Madjid Djojodiningrat. Lanjut ..

BANK MANDIRI ( ex-Nedhandel NV ).
Jl. Asia-Afrika no.61, Kelurahan Braga, Kec Sumur Bandung, Kota Brandung, Jawa Barat. Cagar Budaya Golongan A di Kawasan Pusat Kota Bersejarah, Alun-alun Kota Bandung.
* Gedung NEDHANDEL NV, awalnya, milik Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij NV, yang berpusat di Amsterdam Belanda sejak 1824. Perusahaan dagang yang beralih menjadi perbankan. Bangunan di Jalan Asia Afrika nomor 61 ini mulai ditempati tahun 1912.
* Bangunan Nedhandel NV dirancang arsitek Hulswit Vermen dan Edward Cuypers dengan gaya yang saat itu digemari dan banyak terlihat di Kota Bandung, yaitu Neo Classic atau Art Deco ornamental.
* Gedung Nedhandel NV bergaya  Neo Classic. Terlihat pada pilar di pintu depan di tengah fasad, jendela besar di sekeliling bangunan, dan ornamen dekoratif sebelum atap. Bukti Kota Bandung saat itu berkembang ditunjang kemudahan dalam aspek keuangan ( bank, asuransi, hipotek, koperasi simpan pinjam ).
* Sejak awal dibangun, gedung Nedhandel NV dimanfaatkan perusahaan perbankan. Tahun 1960-an, Nedhandel NV diambil alih pemerintah Indonesia menjadi Bank Export Import yang sejak 1998 dengan beberapa bank lain melebur menjadi Bank Mandiri ( kini KCP Bandung Alun-Alun / Region Credit Operation ).

UPDATE PILPRES 2024 ( per 29/3/2024 ).

Gugatan hasil pilpres 2024 ke MK bukan persoalan kalah atau menang, tetapi perjuangan menegakkan konstitusi negara, supremasi hukum, demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia, agar bangsa Indonesia bermartabat.

* MK jangan hanya melihat pada hari pencoblosan 14/2/2024, tapi juga sebelum dan sesudah pencoblosan saat kecurangan TSM itu terjadi ( termasuk penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, pendaftaran GRR, di mana kepala negara tidak netral / membantu pemenangan salah satu paslon / cawe-cawe ).

* Banyak kepala desa dan kader PDIP yang diminta bersaksi tidak berani. Padahal, sebelumnya protes lantang. Mereka diintimidasi, atau lebih dari itu ?

* Jual beli form C-1 pileg 2024 di kecamatan.

* Intimidasi dari kekuasaan untuk menurunkan baliho dan bendera PDIP di Gunungkidul, ( markas ) Bali, Sumut, yang terjadi di pilpres 2024, tak terjadi di pilpres 2019 dan 2014.

* Banyak yang bisa menyampaikan fakta kebenaran untuk mengungkapkan kecurangan, tapi diintimidasi, bahkan lebih dari itu.

* Pengajuan protes hasil pilpres dalam 3 hari setelah pengumuman KPU 20/3/2024. Padahal data Sirekap masih mengalir. Gugatan hasil Pilpres ke MK dimulai sejak Rabu kemarin ( 27/3/2024 ) hingga 14 hari ke depan.

* Data Sirekap masih mengalir, meski hasil pilpres sudah diumumkan KPU pada 20/3/2024.

* Data bansos Kemensos beda dengan JW. Why ?

* DPR RI harus bekerja menginvestigasi kecurangan di Pilpres 2024.

* JW dikabarkan sudah menitipkan 4 orangnya di kabinet ala 02.

* Data Sirekap ganjil. Why ?


LOVE. Serious ‘illness’ ( if you’re not good at managing it ). Make people cry and have headaches. Also excited like crazy. Or, extreme weather. The morning is very happy, the night is very angry. Feet on head, head on feet. Irrational. Emotional. Lost control.

A lover look affectionately at the opposite sex and want to possess her / him. Friends look at the universe and discuss it.

This week, I experienced feverish symptoms, because I tested my first love with a man who had failed in love twice, aka broken his heart. Like the warmth of love, the bitterness of breakup is also often the inspiration for songs and films. Why ? Because love is the deepest feeling that humans have.

In fact, Putri Ariani, a visually impaired pianist – songwriter – vocalist, who was only 17 years old at the time, was able to so animate the song “Loneliness” which she wrote and sang in front of 4 highly selective America’s Got Talent judges, and hundreds of millions of American viewers, the mecca of music world.

Putri has more experience than me, about love. I’ve never had my heart broken. Let’s see Putri’s video which made many Indonesians cry.

LONELINESS – Putri Ariani on America’s Got Talent.

Some of the lyrics to the song Loneliness :
I remember when we were still one.
Your laugh, your voice, and your bright eyes.
We’re together in this love.
Promise we’ll be forever.
And now you left me alone.
Cause you found someone better.
You’re in that way with her.
And one think I know.
You break my heart, break my hope.
Make me so down in a loneliness.
You left me when I was deep.
Thought you are my best scene
Being my prince, but I was wrong.
Baby, you change a pink to the blue.
And what does it mean all the things that we have written.
The great conversation and a beautiful future.
Perfect definition of sad flower.
You left me, you left me, when I’m in love. I do, I fall in you.

* Why do people get so sick, and find it difficult to forget their broken hearts ? We hear the song “I’m in Love” sung by Peabo Bryson. What’s really going on in the heads of people who are in love ?

I’M IN LOVE – Peabo Bryson

“Time seems to stop / stand still. Every time I hug you tightly, I feel your soul in mine. One look in your eyes, and everything is beautiful to me. What I need most, is right here by my side. There’s no need to run and hide. You are everything I ever hoped for. All my life, I’ve been looking for that someone. Everyone needs someone to trust. All my hopes and fears were exposed. I needed to know, we could stand the test of time. That I’m yours, you’re mine. We can get through it, just believe, you can count on me. I will always be there. And, if I rely on you. Please, never let me down. I could lose control. Don’t you see, you are my heart and my soul”, Peabo’s version. ( Nish’s version yesterday afternoon : one love, two lives ).

* Do the hormones serotonin and dophamine in the brain flow profusely when people are in love, write and sing songs like these ? You are my heart, and my soul. You are mine, and I am yours. You are everything. My hope. In fact, before love came, everything was fine. You can imagine, this fantasy, if they leave, because your lover has better one, like the song “Perfect Liar” by Putri Ariani below.

PERFECT LIAR – Putri Ariani.

Some of the lyrics of Perfect Liar:
I thought my life was done, when we broke up, and I kinda felt desperate.
When we were separate, without you. Connected to my pain.
I try to understand.
Sometimes I miss you, but then I hate you.
I miss you. I hate you.
Talk to my mirror.
Think I’m crazy.
Alone in a night, oh.
If remembering you is hurt.
I have to move on.
Now I know.
When you say to me, I love you.
You are perfect wild.
Don’t need to give anything.
I can love myself better.
Yes, I can love myself better.

* Then, if your heart is broken, because it wasn’t him / her who was written on the 4 month fetus in our mother’s womb, what should we do ? This is the advice from soul experts and love experts ( not me, because I’ve never had my heart broken ).

Psychology expert, author of the book How to “Fix a Broken Heart” – Guy Winch emphasizes, make sure the memories that come to mind are not biased. Don’t just remember the sweet memories, but also remember the bitter memories that destroyed your relationship and could no longer be repaired.

Time cannot be turned back, nor can relationships that have already turned to mush and cannot return to rice. Continuing to be immersed in sadness can make you experience severe stress, even leading to depression. Don’t let heartbreak become the biggest burden on your mind. Believe me, heartbreak has an expiration date, and it won’t last forever. Try to move on quickly and easily. Don’t whine and hope your ex will come back.

The way to move on quickly takes at least one to two months. Not only trying to get rid of hurt feelings from your ex-lover, but also consistently implementing ways to move on quickly, starting from stopping contacting your ex, not remembering sweet memories, accepting reality, and starting to make new friend. That’s the summary. Details :


Because it will make you feel even worse. Make yourself treated well. Forgiving and starting to love yourself again is the most effective way to move on. Try to accept that things are not always within your control and desires.

It’s natural for you to feel sad and disappointed, especially after experiencing heartbreak. In fact, there is nothing wrong with crying when you feel heartbroken to feel relieved. Even so, don’t let your sadness last forever. You have to be good at managing your heart and feelings, so you don’t feel sad all the time.


Unconsciously, maybe you like listening to music that suits your mood. However, if you want to move on quickly, don’t listen to sad songs about heartbreak. Instead, listen to cheerful or fast-paced songs to restore your mood and enthusiasm. It’s time for you to pursue and be busy with your hobbies : traveling, photo hunting, writing books, cooking your favorite food or baking cakes, going fishing or exercising, spending time with ( male for Nish ) close friends, buying things you want, reading books, or other positive activities to channel your emotions appropriately.

To calm your feelings, try to put some distance between you and your ex-crush. Contacting your ex, even just to ask how things are going, can bring back memories and hinder your efforts to move on. Avoid touching and saving your ex contacts on your cellphone or social media. Don’t reply to the message that appears on your phone screen. ( If your feelings are calm and normal, then you can make friends with that person )

After breaking up, you definitely still remember your ex. Try not to make any memories that come to mind one-sided. There’s no need to keep asking why your relationship ended, because it will only make him / her continue to be the main character in your life. Just accept reality as it is.


It means being able to sincerely accept all the realities that you experience. There comes a time when everyone gives up everything they once had. You have to believe that everything that happens, there will always be wisdom in it. There is no need to be afraid to continue your journey in life, because there will always be new people who will make your life happy again. It’s just a matter of time, live it with full awareness and sincerity.

Either in person or via social media. Block all his / her social media accounts, so you can care less about what ex does and can really move on ( no longer tied to ex ). Avoid finding out about your ex until your heart tells you to stop.

Get your hopes up with ex. End all those fantasies for your own good. You need inner firmness in every process, especially to stop hoping. One-sided love is basically unhealthy for your heart and feelings. Stop making empty hopes that will only hurt your heart. Allow yourself to be sad, but only in moderation. There is no need to exaggerate, because there are better days that must be welcomed in the future.

When you feel sad, your mind is often filled with negative prejudices, making you feel even more hurt. Try to fill your mind with positive things. Always believe that you have many advantages that can make your future even better. Beside making you feel much calmer, positive thinking also has a multitude of other benefits for mental health.

Don’t forget that you yourself also need to be happy. You are very tired of always trying to make other person happy, without knowing that you also need this. So, keep making time for me-time and doing lots of things that can make you feel happy. Happiness can also give you a new perspective on life. You can make this a motivation to always be optimistic in facing the day.

This means that you must be able to open yourself to accept the presence of other person in your life. However, there’s no need to rush, just enjoy the process while you heal your heart. Just make sure you are ready to be in a relationship again.


Sometimes it’s hard to forget about your ex, because heartbroken people tend to choose to be alone, avoid public or crowds. Start making new friends, because  silence generally make a person sadder. The mind is focused on the situation of breaking up and there is no one else who can encourage it, so it is advisable to get to know new people who will divert the mind and be more open to new things that are more interesting to talk about.


Family are the people who will always be there for you. Don’t worry, they won’t add to your burden of sadness ( except for domestic violence parents / broken home families. In my experience, my brother who was depressed at that time was kept away from the family who made him like that for at least 2 weeks, unless me who took him to a special hospital ).


Write down what you have learned from the relationship so far to substantiate the reasons why you are not compatible with her, and help give you a better idea of the type of partner you are most compatible with. Take some time alone to reflect on yourself. Find out what exactly you didn’t like about your ex. Did she make you someone you’re not ? Or, what is the reason that makes you hate her ?

Sometimes we force ourselves to love people who don’t necessarily love us, until we forget that we also need to love ourselves. Now is the time to realize to love yourself more. Be happy with all the gifts of life you have now. Start being grateful for every second of time that still allows us to breathe and smile. One-sided love is only a temporary phase in your life. Hopefully in the future, there will be better love for you. Let all these wounds and bitter experiences become important lessons in our lives to make us aware that there are more important priorities to fulfill at this time.

** Number 16-21 for followers of Islam / moslem.

By remembering the name of Allah / God a lot, we will have a calm heart and soul. It becomes easier for us to be grateful for what happens. You will also get forgiveness and great rewards.

*17. PRAY.
Maybe this broken heart is Allah way of rebuking you, because you are increasingly moving away from Allah. Ask God to give you the strength to continue living, survive, and be able to overcome the consequences of the wounds caused by your ex.

Regardless of who broke up your relationship, you must truly accept that your love relationship has ended. Believe me, God still has other best plans for your relationship. Basically, you can still live without your ex’s presence.

Even though it’s so hard to forget, life still has to go on. Revive passion again with new things. Don’t stay frustrated and sink into sadness for a long time.

Ask Allah for forgiveness for what you have done so far. Do it seriously so that your repentance will be accepted by God.

Believe that breaking up is the best way. By breaking up with your girlfriend, it means that Allah has saved you from the sin of adultery. Be thankful for the path God has given you. There is no better path than the path that Allah chooses for ourselves. As Allah said, “It may be that you hate something, even though it is very good for you, and it may be ( also ) that you like something, even though it is very bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not know.” ( QS. Al Baqarah : 216 )

*20. UMMU SALAMAH PRAYER. Steadfast your heart and believe that by moving away from dating, you will be given the best. After that, you just have to pray to Allah as Umm Salamah or Hindun bint Abi Umayyah prayed when a disaster struck.
“Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji’uun – allahumma’-jurnii fii mushiibatii, wa akhlifllii khoiram minhaa”
Meaning : “O Allah, reward me for the disaster that befell me, and replace me with something better than this disaster.”
By saying this prayer after every sholat, Insya Allah, you will quickly forget your ex.

Maybe you have committed the sin of dating for too long and it is time to increase your worship so you can focus on a better life. Improve your obligatory and sunnah worship, so that Allah will replace your ex with a better wife.


Those are some tips for moving on that you can try when you are heartbroken. Consistency and strengthening your heart are the keys to getting through the pain you are experiencing. The most important thing, you don’t need to keep blaming and feeling sorry for yourself.

If you have tried everything, but still find it difficult to overcome feelings that are so intense that they interfere with your concentration in carrying out activities, you should consult with the best psychologist.

*** Hope it is useful.



Written by Savitri

28 Maret 2024 at 15:08


Perang Ketupat : Peradaban Nusantara dari Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Mohammad Hatta + Ilmu Kebangsaan. MFN-11 : How India / Bollywood Competes Hollywood.

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PERANG KETUPAT. Atau Ruah Tempilang digelar tiap masuk Tahun Baru Islam atau 1 Muharram. Ada perang nuklir jelang kiamat / kabut Ad-Dukhan, perang bantal di rumah saya, dan perang ketupat yang tak kalah unik di Kepulauan Bangka Belitung ( provinsi Babel ).

Penduduk Babel akan berbondong-bondong menuju pantai. Saat meriam dinyalakan, mereka saling lempar ketupat ke orang yang mereka temui di desa sekitar Pantai Tempilang, Bangka Barat, ditonton perantau yang pulang dan wisatawan yang berkunjung. Seru ya .. !

** Kepulauan Bangka Belitung ( disingkat Babel ), provinsi dengan dua pulau utama ( Pulau Bangka dan Pulau Belitung / Belitong ), serta ratusan pulau kecil ( 470 pulau bernama, termasuk 50 yang sudah berpenghuni ) di bagian timur Pulau Sumatera, berbatasan dengan provinsi Sumatera Selatan. 

Provinsi penghasil timah ini bermotto : Serumpun Sebalai ( Melayu ). Kekayaan alam dan pluralistik masyarakat menjadi bagian komunitas besar serumpun  seperjuangan. Dasar hukum pendirian Babel : UU no. 27 tahun 2000 ( Hari Jadi 21/11/2000 ) dari pemekaran resmi Sumsel 4/12/2000 beribukota Pangkalpinang dengan 6 kabupaten dan 1 kota di wilayah seluas 16.424 km2 daratan dan  65.301 km2 perairan ( 79,99% ).

Populasi per 31/12/2023) : 1.521.723 orang ( kepadatan 93 / km2 ). Mereka 90,40% beragama Islam, 4,1% Buddha, 3,39% Kristen, 1,97% Konghucu, dan 0,08% Hindu. Warga Babel berbahasa Indonesia ( resmi ), Melayu ( dominan ), Hakka, Hokkian, Mandarin, Jawa, Batak. IPM : 74,09 / tinggi ( tahun 2023 ). DAU : Rp 1.052.377.716.000,- ( tahun 2020 ).

* FLORA RESMI : Nagasari.

* FAUNA RESMI : Mentilin.

* WEB :


Wilayah Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, terutama Pulau Bangka, berganti-ganti menjadi daerah Kerajaan Sriwijaya dan Majapahit. Setelah kapitulasi dengan Belanda, Babel menjadi jajahan Inggris sebagai “Duke of Island”. Setelah kekuasaan Inggris berakhir 20/5/1812 ( konvensi London 13/8/1824 ), Babel dialihkan MH. Court ( Inggris ) ke K. Hcyes ( Belanda ) di Muntok pada 10/12/1816.

Setelah Proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, pada 10/12/1946 dibentuk Dewan Bangka yang pada 23/1/1948 bergabung dalam Federasi Bangka Belitung dan Riau ( FABERI ), bagian RIS. Berdasarkan Keppres RIS no.141 tahun 1950 kembali bersatu dengan NKRI, hingga berlaku UU no. 22 tahun 1948. 


Sebagian besar Babel dataran tinggi ( sekitar 50 mdpl ), lembah, sebagian kecil pegunungan ( antara 500-699 mdpl Gunung Maras ) dan perbukitan ( antara 395 – 445 mdpl Bukit Menumbing ). 

Keadaan tanah Kepulauan Bangka Belitung ber-PH di bawah 5 / asam, dan memiliki kandungan aluminium sangat tinggi, banyak mineral biji timah, dan bahan galian pasir, pasir kuarsa, batu granit, kaolin, tanah liat, dll. Secara keseluruhan daratan dan perairan Bangka Belitung adalah bagian Dangkalan Sunda dengan kedalaman laut tak lebih 30 meter.


Dari 1.219.398 jiwa penduduk ( tahun 2010 ), suku asal Sumatera ( Bangka Belitung, Sekak, Sakai, Ameng Sawang, Lom ) sebanyak 841.771 jiwa ( 69,03% ). Disusul  suku Jawa 101.655 jiwa ( 8,34% ), Tionghoa 99.624 jiwa ( 8,17% ), asal Sumatera Selatan 47.956 jiwa ( 3,93% ), Bugis 33.582 jiwa ( 2,75% ), Sunda 18.958 jiwa ( 1,55% ), Melayu 18.585 ( 1,52% ), Madura 15.429 jiwa ( 1,27% ), Batak 9.452 jiwa ( 0,78% ), Minangkabau 4.232 jiwa ( 0,35% ) dan suku lainnya 2,31%. 


* INDUSTRI KERAJINAN  yang diusahakan penduduk : pewter dari timah, gelang / cincin / tongkat dari akar bahar, anyaman kopiah / peci resam, terasi, rusip, getas / kerupuk, siput gonggong, dll.

* WISATA ALAM : Pantai Parai Tenggiri, Pantai Matras, Pantai Tanjung Pesona, Pantai Rebo, Pantai Batu Berdaun, Pantai Pasir Padi, Pantai Tanjung Ru Sadai, Pantai Tanjung Kerasak, Pantai Gunung Namak, Pantai  Tanjung Kelian, Pantai Tanjung Ular, Pantai Rambat, Pantai Tungau, Pantai Siangau, Teluk Limau, Pantai Blembang, Pantai Pasir Kuning,  Pantai Romodong, Pantai Tanjung Putat, Pantai Penyusuk, Pantai  Tanjung Kelayang, Pantai  Tanjung Binga, Pantai Tanjung Tinggi, Pulau  Lengkuas, Pulau  Kepayang, Pantai  Punai, Pantai  Tanjung Pendam, Pantai Nyiur Melambai, Pantai  Burung Mandi, dan Pantai Bukit Batu.

* DESTINASI WISATA SEJARAH : Pesanggrahan Bung Karno Bukit Menumbing, Menumbing Heritage Hotel, Wisma Ranggam Mentok, Rumah Mayor Mentok, Masjid Jami’ di Mentok, Tangga Seribu Mentok, Museum Timah Pangkalpinang, Masjid Jami’ Pangkalpinang, Perkampungan Tionghoa, Tradisi Simpang Gedong, Taman Pha Kak Liang di Belinyu, Peninggalan  Kerajaan Kuto Panji ( Bong Khiung Fu ) Belinyu, Kolam Pemandian Air Panas di Pemali, Vihara Dewi Kuan Im di Sungailiat, Lokasi Film Laskar Pelangi di Gantung, Vihara  Budhayana Dewi Kwam In, Damar Bendungan Pice Gantung, Bukit  Samak Manggar, Museum Buding, Situs Raja Balok di Desa Balok,  Perigi Belande Buding, Makam Akik Ning di Desa Balunijuk, Makam Atok Banjar atau Kyai Haji Habib Mansyur di Desa Petaling.


* BUANG JUNG : upacara adat melarung hasil bumi di atas perahu kecil, ke laut sebagai bentuk syukur warga Desa Kumbung, Bangka Selatan, pada Tuhan. Masyarakat setempat dilarang melakukan kegiatan di laut selama 7 hari setelah tradisi ini berlangsung. 

* BARIPAT BAREGONG : permainan adu tangkas dengan senjata rotan yang akan dimenangi peserta yang  paling sedikit kena pukulan rotan. 

RUMAH ADAT : rumah panggung
berciri Arsitektur Melayu seperti di pesisir Sumatra dan Malaka, dengan tipe Arsitektur Melayu Awal, Melayu Bubung Panjang, dan Melayu Bubung Limas. 

* RUMAH MELAYU AWAL : rumah panggung kayu dengan material kayu, bambu, rotan, akar pohon, daun / alang-alang yang tumbuh dan mudah diperoleh di sekitar pemukiman. Beratap tinggi, sebagian atap miring, memiliki beranda di muka, banyak bukaan untuk ventilasi. Terdiri rumah ibu dan rumah dapur yang berdiri di atas 9 tiang yang ditanam dalam tanah. Tiang utama berada di tengah dan didirikan pertama kali. Atap ditutup daun rumbia. Dinding dari kulit kayu atau buluh bambu.

* RUMAH MELAYU BUBUNG PANJANG : ditambah bangunan di sisi bangunan yang ada sebelumnya.

* BUBUNG LIMAS : mendapat pengaruh Palembang, sebagian atap terpancung. 

Pengaruh arsitektur non-Melayu terlihat dari bentuk Rumah Panjang yang umumnya didiami warga keturunan Tionghoa, dan arsitektur kolonial ( tangga batu bentuk lengkung ).



* PARANG BANGKA : berbentuk seperti layar kapal untuk perkelahian jarak pendek, mirip  golok di Jawa, namun ujung parang dibuat lebar dan berat untuk meningkatkan bobot hingga sasaran bisa terpotong dengan cepat. Parang berdiameter sedang ( 40 cm ) bisa menebang pohon, karena bobot ujungnya lebih besar dan berat.

* KEDIK : digunakan di kebun lada. Si pemakai harus jongkok dan bergerak mundur / menyamping. Kedik diletakkan di tanah dan ditarik ke belakang. Efektif membersihkan rumput dangkal ( bukan ilalang ) pengganggu tanaman lada. Biasanya digunakan kaum wanita, karena kecil dan relatif ringan. 


ALAT MUSIK TRADISI : Dambus, Suling, Gendang Melayu, Tari Tanggai, Tari Zapin, Tari Campak, Rebana, Rudat, Tari Bahtera Bertiang Tujuh.


* LEMPAH KUNING : makanan khas Bangka dari ikan laut atau daging yang dibumbui kunyit, bawang merah, bawang putih, lengkuas, terasi / belacan khas Bangka.

* GETAS / KERETEK : makanan  berbahan dasar ikan dan terigu yang rasanya mirip kerupuk.

* KRITCU : makanan dari telor cumi dan sagu ditambah penyedap rasa berbentuk kecil dan panjang.

* KEMPLANG BELACAN : makanan dari ikan dan sagu berbentuk bulat – lebar yang dimakan dengan sambal belacan / terasi.

* RUSIP : makanan berbahan dasar ikan bilis yang dicuci bersih, diriskan secara steril, dicampur garam dengan komposisi  seimbang, ditambah air gula kabung agar aroma lebih terasa, kemudian disimpan sampai matang tanpa proses pemanasan. Adonan ini harus ditutup dalam wadah rapat agar tak tercampur  benda asing ( dulu disimpan dalam guci bermulut sempit ). Suhu ruangan harus dijaga. Rusip bisa dimasak dulu, atau dimakan langsung bersama lalapan.

* CALOK : terbuat dari udang kecil segar ( udang cencalo / rebon ) yang dicuci bersih dan dicampur garam sebagai pengawet agar tahan lama. Sangat cocok untuk teman lauk nasi hangat dengan lalapan ketimun, tomat dan sayur segar lainnya. Calok juga enak, gurih, nikmat, sebagai campuran omelete telur.

* TERITIP : sejenis tiram kecil yang melekat di bebatuan di tepi pantai. Dagingnya sangat kecil, dengan rasa tiram pada umumnya. Biasanya dimakan segar, atau di asinkan dengan garam untuk disimpan.Teritip sangat nikmat jika ditambahkan cabe merah dan jeruk kunci ( jeruk asam khas Bangka ).

* Kuliner khas Bangka : Wakwak, Belacan, Tembiluk, Kemplang, Kerupuk, Lempah Darat, Lakso, Tempoyak, Bergo, Tekwan, Laksan, Sambal Lingkung, Lempok, Mie Koba, Otak-Otak Bangka, Pempek Bangka ( Empek-Empek Bangka ), Martabak Manis Bangka, atau Martabak Terang Bulan Bangka, Mie Ayam Bangka, Martabak Telur Bangka.

*** Martabak Bangka ada di Kota Bandung, juga di banyak kota di Indonesia. Saya lihat orang Jawa ada di mana-mana ( dari membahas peradaban Nusantara sampai 29 provinsi saat ini ), ekses ekspansi Majapahit, perbudakan masa kolonial, dan program transmigrasi. Tapi, saudara setanah air di luar Jawa, juga tak sedikit yang merantau ke tanah Jawa, sehingga kita bisa menikmati kuliner khas daerah lain. Sekaligus ikut melestarikan kekayaan budaya Nusantara.

**  Setelah urutan ke-29, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung dengan 1.521.723 penduduk, Kamis depan giliran provinsi pemekaran juga, Sulawesi Barat di urutan ke-30, dengan 1.458.600 penduduk. Sabar ya ..


“Demi persatuan, aku memerlukan seorang dari Sumatera. Dia adalah jalan yang paling baik untuk menjamin sokongan dari rakyat pulau yang nomor dua terbesar di Indonesia,” ucap Bung Karno. Orang dari Sumatera ini siapa ? Lanjut ..

BUNG HATTA & ILMU KEBANGSAAN. Belajar dari siapa ?

UPDATE PILPRES 2024 ( per 23/3/2024 ).

Kalau kesimpulan Hak Angket : JW terlibat dalam konspirasi pemenangan paslon tertentu, maka presiden harus dimakzulkan.
* Jika JW menghalangi-halangi Hak Angket, ia bisa dianggap contempt of parlemen dan mundur dari jabatan presiden.

* JW sedang membajak demokrasi Indonesia, yang lain bilang : sedang mengkhianati bangsa dan negaranya.

* Pembunuhan demokrasi sedang dilakukan oleh pemimpin yang tak bertanggung jawab.

* Jawaban Ganjar jika ditawari masuk kabinet. Pilih jadi oposisi.

* Kalau partai poslon 03 & 01 kompak di parlemen ( 54% ), maka Hak Angket Insya Allah pasti  menang.

* Koalisi partai paslon sepakat Hak Angket dan gugatan ke MK.

* Penduduk Pulau Rempang diusir paksa demi pekerja China yang tak menguasai bahasa Indonesia. Di mana hati nuraninya ?

* Pansus Pelindo 2 meski sudah punya keputusan kokoh bisa tuh diabaikan JW.

* Plesetan lagu pemilu.


The song “One Sweet Day” by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men is the backdrop for this week’s message.

The momentum of the film Pathaan – Shah Rukh Khan, as the highest grossing film of all time, was the beginning of the success of Bollywood films abroad. Indian films continue to compete in terms of marketing with Hollywood, the ‘King of the Big Screen’. What is the secret of Bollywood ?

1* The Bollywood film industry has a large production volume ( more than 1000 films per year ) with various genres : drama, romance, action, comedy, musical, etc., thus allowing Bollywood films to reach various audiences throughout the world. This variety and richness in genres, stories, filmmaking styles allows Indian films to attract different types of audiences. Bollywood films also combine several genres in one film, such as action with comedy, or drama with science fiction, thereby attracting different types of audiences.

2* Music and dance are an integral part of Bollywood films. Catchy songs and spectacular dance choreography are the main attraction, making Bollywood films more colorful and entertaining.

3* Universal story themes, such as love, family, friendship and life’s struggles, so they can be accepted by various cultures and backgrounds.

4* Often depicts strong and intense emotions, making the audience connect with the characters and story, or become emotionally attached. Depicts characters with various dimensions of emotion and personality, so that the audience feels deeper empathy and connection.

5* Promotes traditional Indian values, such as honor, loyalty and family values, which can attract audiences from various cultural backgrounds who appreciate them. Taking inspiration from Indian history and mythology, it attracts audiences who love epic stories and legends. Adopt novels, short stories, famous literary works, which provide a strong basis for the story and characters. Presents unique and creative plots and concepts, which create a sensation and receive widespread attention.

6* Several Bollywood studios are raising the bar of their work with impressive cinematography, state-of-the-art visual effects and internationally competitive production. They continue to adopt the latest technology in production, visual effects and presentation to improve the production quality and visual appeal of films. They often adopt trends and styles that are currently popular in the global film industry, such as make-up, fashion, directing style. Advances in film production technology have helped Bollywood produce high quality films rivaling Hollywood productions ( remember the Mahabharata film series whose duel scenes and action contests resemble Hollywood superhero action ). They also innovated in the marketing and promotion of the film, including sophisticated social media campaigns, global promotional tours and more, which expanded the audience base beyond India.

7* Bollywood stars have fanatical fans all over the world, thus boosting their image and film audiences ( I try to follow Nish’s social media accounts every day, wow, he can get tens to hundreds of thousands of views just with his smile or humor ). The Indian diaspora around the world also forms an important audience base for Bollywood films. They miss elements of their native culture and language. Bollywood films are a way to stay connected to their cultural roots. This strong audience base in many countries ( including countries with a large Indian diaspora ) provides the opportunity for Bollywood films to achieve significant global revenues.

8* Collaborating with international talent and companies, producing combined productions of elements of two worlds of cinema. Collaborate with international artists for soundtracks, songwriting, even cameo appearances, bringing cultural influence across borders.

9* Combining various elements of Indian culture, such as traditional costumes, customs, and exotic places, gives a unique feel ( like Khasmir in the film Pashminna ). Filming in exotic and beautiful places, inside and outside India, provides a fascinating new perspective for the audience. Maintaining traditional cultural elements, such as clothing, rituals, celebrations, which provide an authentic and immersive experience for the audience ( in the series “Love for Guddan” on ANTV, we see this. I have also discussed it in this blog ).

10* Produces films in various languages : Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, which expands the audience base in various parts of India.

11* Bollywood film ticket prices tend to be more affordable than Hollywood films, so they also attract audiences on a limited budget.

12* Has a longer duration than Hollywood films, giving the audience more time to connect with the characters and story.

13* Raising patriotic and nationalist sentiments, which connects the audience with national identity and national spirit ( as far as I remember, Indian audiences sang the national song before sitting down to watch a cinema film ).

14* Contains important social and moral messages, thereby affecting the audience emotionally, providing a deeper point of view.

15* The Indian government supports the film industry with fiscal incentives, training, promotions, which encourage the quality and competitiveness of Bollywood films.

How can Indonesian films catch up with Bollywood and Hollywood films in quality or quantity above ? I think, regarding traditional cultural works, Indonesia is the richest in the world. But, others ? There is a lot of homework that film stakeholders have to do here. Minimum related to 15 points above.

*** Just following one Nish, I was already amazed. How can an Indian actor have such diverse qualities : handsome, athletic body, good at acting, good at dancing, good at lip sync, funny, fluent in many languages, disciplined, still diligently going to the gym, making video content and updating social media every day. How many hours do you sleep every day, Nish ?

It’s like I’m dreaming of being able to joke and flirt with rags these few days… hehe. Life needs to be occasionally punctuated with ‘craziness’ to a certain extent to refresh the mind and heart. Please be advised. Bloggers are human too. 🙏

** Do you also feel the unique sensation of being watched by a man in such detail, responding to habits that I myself am not aware of ? The song “One Sweet Day” below is the reason I dare to say what I want ( including teasing him ), and ask him what his dreams are, to hold him with me. Before it’s too late, and regret it later.

ONE SWEET DAY – Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men.

Some of the lyrics to this sweet song :

Sorry, I never told you all I wanted to say.
And now it’s too late to hold you.
‘Cause you’ve flown away so far away ay-ay-ay-ay.
Never had I imagined your living without your smile.
Feeling knowing you hear me it keeps me alive.
And I know you’re shining down on me from heaven.
Like so many friends we’ve lost along the way.
And I know eventually we’ll be together.
One sweet day.

Loving you always and I’ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.
Darlin’ I never showed you.
Assumed you’d always be there ( always be there ).
I thought you’d always be there
And I… I… I take ( taken for granted ) your presence for granted.
But I always cared.
And I miss the love we shared.
One sweet day.
And I know… I… know eventually we’ll be together.

Written by Savitri

21 Maret 2024 at 05:30