Madani & Manusiawi

Great People, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Tari Aluyen : Peradaban Nusantara dari Papua Barat. Jenderal Soedirman Marah pada Presiden Soekarno, Kenapa ? MFN-15 : How to Make Films.

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ALUYEN, tari tradisi warga Distrik Aimas, Kabupaten Sorong. Aluyen ( alu = lagu, yen = dinyanyikan ) memiliki arti “lagu yang dinyanyikan”. Tari yang sudah ada sejak Indonesia belum merdeka ini bagian dari upacara adat membangun rumah baru dan membuka kebun baru pada siang atau malam hari. Jika pertunjukkan digelar dalam rumah adat, lamanya 1 – 2 bulan.

Pemimpin tari berdiri di depan para penari lain, diikuti penari wanita dan laki-laki dalam dua barisan memanjang ke belakang. Mereka mengenakan kain kamlanan dengan aksesoris gelang li ( manik-manik ), saika ( gelang perak ), medik ( gelang dari tali ), dan eme ( perhiasan dari daun pandan berwarna kuning / merah ). Gerak dasar tarian ini berjalan kaki bebas menurut irama sambil bergoyang pinggul ( awlete ).

Papua Barat ( disingkat Pabar ), provinsi Indonesia yang mencakup Semenanjung Doberai, Semenanjung Bomberai, Wandamen, beribukota di Manokwari. Pabar yang dimekarkan dari Provinsi Papua melalui UU no. 45 tahun 1999 ( hari jadi 4/10/1999 ), memiliki luas 64.134 km2. Penduduk Pabar ( per 31/12/2023 ) yang berjumlah 565.805 orang, memeluk agama Kristen 68,75%, Islam 31,09%, Hindu 0,09%, dan Buddha 0,07%. IPM sedang / 65,89 ( per 2022 ). DAU : Rp 1.461.166.659.000,- ( per 2020 ).

Provinsi yang bermoto “Cintaku Negeriku” ini punya budaya unik apalagi ? Kita bahas sebagian dulu ya.

* TARI SOANGGI, dari daerah pantai Teluk Cendrawasih, Kabupaten Waropen, yang hanya ditampilkan ketika ada warga yang meninggal ( bukan untuk pertunjukan umum atau pentas seni ). Salah satu bentuk ekspresi masyarakat Papua Barat yang masih kental dengan nuansa magis. Mengisahkan suami yang ditinggal mati istrinya yang diserang makhluk anggi-anggi / soanggi ( jadi-jadian / memedi ). Menurut kepercayaan masyarakat setempat, Soanggi adalah roh jahat yang belum mendapatkan kenyamanan di alam baka yang suka merasuki tubuh wanita. Kepala suku akan segera mencari tahu Soanggi yang sudah mencelakai korban, sebagai upaya pencegahan. Sebelumnya, penari melakukan ritual yang dipimpin kepala suku.

Puluhan penari laki-laki bersenjatakan busur dan anak panah, dan seorang  pimpinan bersenjatakan perisai dan parang, mengenakan bawahan rumbai-rumbai, berperang dengan Soanggi yang bisa menjadi pihak yang menang. Gerak tari berfungsi  mengusir roh jahat yang masih terikat janji yang belum dipenuhi, mirip aktivitas dukun yang memiliki kekuatan magis ketika berupaya menyembuhkan penyakit.

Para penari mengenakan pakaian adat Papua Barat, menari dan menyanyi, diiringi alat musik tifa dan terompet kerang.

* TARI AFAITANENG ( afai = panah,  taneng = milik ), biasanya dilakukan semalam suntuk saat sore atau malam hari setelah berperang. Tari ini menggambarkan kehebatan, kekuatan, dan kemenangan rombongan perang yang melawan musuh bersenjatakan busur panah. Dibawakan secara berkelompok oleh penari laki-laki dan wanita dengan membentuk formasi lingkaran atau barisan. Tari ini dibagi tiga sesi : sekelompok penari wanita meratapi mayat budak di sesi pertama, sekelompok penari laki-laki memperlihatkan kehebatan memanah di sesi kedua, sekelompok penari campuran merayakan kemenangan melawan musuh di sesi ketiga.

Penari mengenakan kuwai / cawat yang dihiasi manik-manik, gelang tangan, afai / panah, dan umbee /parang, ketika menari diiringi musik fikainotu / tifa dan tibura / triton, dan lagu Nimasae.

* TARI ANIRI, dari Distrik Kokas, Kabupaten Fakfak, Provinsi Papua Barat. Tarian ciptaan Imayu ini  sakral dan magis, sehingga tak bisa ditarikan sembarang orang. Tari ini menggambarkan penyelamatan anak dari gangguan setan setelah ditelantarkan kedua orang tuanya yang pergi ke dusun. Tari Aniri dibawakan secara berkelompok oleh penari laki-laki dan wanita, pada sore atau malam hari.

Tari ini dibagi empat sesi, orang tua di sesi pertama, anak kecil tinggal sendirian di rumah di sesi kedua, setan mendatangi anak kecil di rumah dan dijadikan anaknya di sesi ketiga, orang tua datang mencari anaknya di sesi keempat. Setelah kedua orang tua bertemu anaknya yang telah dibebaskan dari kuasa setan, mereka lalu mengikuti para pembebas.

Tiga gerakan khusus yang menjadi pembeda : wae ndi ( gerakan melindungi anak dari gangguan setan ), aniri ndi ( gerakan memberi makan setan agar mau melepas anaknya ), dan wapa ( gerakan membebaskan anak dari pengaruh setan ).

Para penari mengenakan tauri atau rogoi ( daun sagu ) yang dihiasi bulu burung kasuari, cenderawasih, dan kakaktua putih. Badan dirias kapur dan tanah warna merah. Mereka menari diiringi tifa dan lagu awito tuo.

* TARI TUMBU TANAH / ULAR, khas warga Arfak di Manokwari, yang formasinya membentuk ular yang melilitkan di atas pohon, untuk menyambut tamu, kemenangan perang, dan pesta pernikahan. Semua gerakan, formasi, lagu pengiring, alat musik, aksesorisnya mencirikan suku Arfak ( Mnu Kwar ) yang terdiri 4 sub-suku ( Hattam, Sough, Moile, Meyakh ) yang menyebut tari ini Ibihim, Manyohora, Isim, Mugka.

Dua misionaris Kristen asal Jerman, Carl Wilhelm Ottow dan Johann Gottlob Geissler, masuk Papua  5/2/1855 melalui Pulau Mansinam, membawa misi penginjilan,  membangun berbagai sarana, prasarana, yang mengubah peradaban Manokwari.

Tari Tumbu Tanah terkait “Legenda Jambu Mandatjan” di Kampung Ndui, yaitu perebutan pohon jambu yang telah dibagi menurut keret / marga di Manokwari oleh anak salah satu keret. Tari Tumbu Tanah  dibawakan secara massal, melibatkan warga sekampung ataupun beberapa kampung ( tua muda berbaur ).

Dua gerak dasar tari ini : bihim ifiri kai cut ( melompat sambil menghentakkan kaki di tanah ) dan yam ( bergandengan tangan ), diiringi lagu pujian pada roh leluhur suku Arfak.

* Setelah Papua Barat Kamis ini, berikutnya Kalimantan Utara dengan 727.800 penduduk. Kamis depan, kita bahas karya budaya Kaltara. Insya Allah.


Bersahabat, tapi sempat bertengkar. Itulah dinamika antara Presiden Soekarno dan Panglima Besar Jenderal Soedirman saat Agresi Militer II Belanda berhasil menduduki Yogyakarta. Apa yang terjadi sebenarnya ? Lanjut ..

UPDATE PILPRES 2024 ( per 25/4/2024 ).

* 3 disenting opinion hakim MK : pemungutan suara ulang mesti dilakukan ( minimal di 8 provinsi ). ‘Invisible hand’ turut bermain sehingga gugatan pilpres paslon 03 ditolak ?? Tujuan baik harus dicapai dengan dengan cara baik. Bukan merusak lembaga dan berbohong, menghalalkan segala cara haram. Kita lihat nanti azab atas dosa gerombolan syahwat yang merusak demokrasi Indonesia. Tuhan Maha Melihat dan Maha Adil.

* Pemerintahan otoriter dan kemiskinan struktural akan lahir dari penguasa yang dibentuk dari nepotisme.

* Bagaimana hakim bisa berbeda pendapat terhadap figur yang sama ? Tidak konsisten, berubah-ubah.

* Seluruh pendekar hukum hari ini tak bisa mencegah daya rusak politik dinasti.

* Bocah karbitan KP membawa kepentingan JW untuk membonsai PDIP ?


FILM. We like watching it, especially starring idol actors, such as Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Nishant Malkani. They have charm and a network of fans all over the world.

In the era where people can have their own television channels on YT, IG, FB, TT, then we can also become celebrities on channels that we maintain diligently, consistently and creatively. Early capital : hobby, expertise, demand in the niche /theme we choose. I just got 296,000 views for one video. Far behind Nish who got 19 million views for one video.

Another successful example is Atta Halilintar, who can earn tens of billions of rupiah per year from vlogging. In fact, he started from an ordinary child, not a graduate, going to school on the road while traveling abroad with his family.

In fact, now big companies are also marketing their films on YT. How do you compete with those with large capital ? Of course, continue to be yourself, hone our differentiation ( better and unique in what field than many people ), and keep learning.

Films are a medium to entertain, convey moral messages, and educate the audience. I myself want to make the film “Rani Dan-Ma” set in the glory of the Majapahit Empire, the ancestral superpower of the Indonesian nation. Just had time to plot the story. Now I want to make a film or video. Where to start ? Come on, learn together.

* MAKING A FILM is the process of creating an audio-visual work, which involves many aspects and production teams. Usually it starts from determining the idea or story concept, which is developed into a scenario, then casting for selecting actors and production crew, location and equipment preparation, filming, image and sound processing, to the promotion and distribution process.

Making a film involves many skills and creativity, such as : screenplay writing, image and sound editing, camera selection, lighting, costume and prop choices, and the acting skills of the actors.

The process of making a film is very complex. It takes a lot of unified cooperation from the entire production team to produce quality work and attract the attention of many viewers.

Making a film requires management and organizational skills, to ensure production runs according to the set time and budget. Producers and directors must be able to consider economic, social and political factors in film making. In the film industry, there is no guarantee of ( commercial ) success even if all stages of production have been completed well. At a minimum, it has become a work of art that amazes the audience. Stages :

Ideas can emerge from personal experiences, inspirational stories, and everyday observations. A strong idea that could possibly be made into a film. After that, develop the idea into a mature concept in the form of a plot, theme, or character that attracts the audience’s attention.

A screenplay is the basis of a film that contains dialogue, scenes, and story structure that will be followed during the production process. The scenario must be interesting, well structured, so that it is easy for the cast and production crew to understand. In a scenario, there are elements of character, plot, theme and setting. The screenplay should have interesting, challenging conflicts, complex characters, that connect with the audience, taking into account the shooting location, budget, etc.

Film production requires a director, screenwriter, producer, production crew and cast. Choose a production team that is solid and experienced in making films, who have the same vision regarding the film that will be made, to ensure that the resulting film is of high quality, according to the vision set. Set a production schedule and ensure that each production team member has clear roles and responsibilities.

The actors must be able to bring the characters to life in the scenario, be good at acting, and be able to adapt to different conditions during the production process. Auditions are carried out to ensure the cast has these qualities, as well as being strong enough to work within a tight production schedule.

The preparation stage before the shooting process includes details of the shooting location according to the scenario, costumes, props and other technical preparations to ensure the shooting process runs smoothly. The shooting location must meet the needs of the story and match the director’s vision. Technical preparations such as choosing the right camera, lighting and audio to ensure the quality of the shooting results also need to be done.

The process of taking pictures and audio is carried out in the field or in the studio. The production team must work together to produce quality footage. When directing the cast and production crew, the director must ensure that the scenes are shot according to the established vision. The production process is a stage that takes quite a lot of time and costs, so it must be carried out carefully and efficiently. Also consider weather factors, schedules, and unexpected situations.

The process of processing and editing footage that has been taken during the production process. The production team must edit the footage, add visual and sound effects, mix audio, color grading to produce a consistent visual appearance, edit and mix audio so that the sound quality is clear and comfortable to hear.

After production is complete, the film is distributed to cinemas, television, or streaming platforms, and promoted with trailers, posters, and social media, to increase audience interest and generate greater income. Market and target audience research is needed to ensure effective promotions.

9. SCREENING & EVALUATION. Once distributed, the film will be shown on various distribution channels such as cinemas or television. Evaluate audience responses and criticism received to identify the strengths and weaknesses of films that have been made to improve the quality of films in the future.

Typically emphasizes the development of character and feelings, often depicting stories of happiness, sadness, love, loss, or tragedy of a person or group in various life situations. Examples : The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Titanic, The Shawshank Redemption.

Created to entertain and make the audience laugh, relying on humorous situations, verbal humor and silly actions. Examples : Airplane, The Hangover, Bridesmaids, Home Alone.

Usually features violent scenes, or physical actions to overcome a problem, or achieve a goal, such as fights, chases, explosions, and focuses on the tension and adrenaline produced. Examples : James Bond, Mission Impossible, John Wick, Die Hard, Charlie’s Angels, Bourne Supremacy.

This genre explores the dark side of humans, or features supernatural creatures such as ghosts, vampires, or zombies to trigger fear and suspense in the audience. Examples : The Exorcist, The Shining, The Conjuring, or It.

Telling stories that could not happen in the real world, often featuring fictional creatures such as dragons, fairies or monsters, as well as magical and fantastic locations. Examples : Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Avatar.

This film uses animation techniques to produce moving images, such as cartoon films, 2D or 3D animated films, stop-motion films. Examples : Beauty & The Beast, Pocahontas, The Lion King, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Up.

This type of film depicts human life or social phenomena in society to provide information and open the audience’s thinking about certain topics. Examples : March of the Penguins, An Inconvenient Truth, Blackfish, Making a Murderer.

* Could you imagine what genre of film you want to make, with what budget, and when, Nish ? 🙄 🤔

* Let’s watch and listen to the songs “Who I Am” and “I Finally Found Someone”, okay ? There are behind-the-scenes of cinema filmmaking in this music video. How to make the film continues next Thursday. Insya Allah. There’s still a long way to go, guys.

* I  FINALLY  FIND SOMEONE – Bryan Adams / Barbra Streisand

I finally found someone
That knocks me off my feet.
I finally found the one
That makes me feel complete.
It started over coffe.
We strated out as friends.
It’s funny how from simple things
The best things begin.

This time is different
And it’s all because of you.
It’s better than it’s ever been
‘Cause we can talk it though.

This is it, I finally found someone.
Someone to share my life.
I finally found the one
To be with every night.
‘Cause whatever I do
It’s just got to be you.
My life has just begun.
I finally found someone.

Did I keep you waiting ? I didn’t mind
I apologize, baby that’s fine.
I would wait forever just to know you were mine.

You know I love your hair.
Are you sure it looks right ?
I love what you wear.
Isn’t it too tight ?
You’re exceptional.
I can’t wait for the rest of my life.

* “WHO I AM” – Alan Walker & Putri Ariani.

Don’t say this, don’t say that.
I’m not playing by the rules if they were made by you.
I won’t break just like that.
I’ll make my own mistakes ’til I’m wrong in all the right ways.
Save all your tears.
You don’t wanna waste them on me.
I’m not gonna be just like them.
This is just the way that I am.
Head in the clouds.
I do not fit in to the crowd.
Baby, it’s all making perfect sense.
‘Cause this is who I am.

If only I was wide awake.
There’s more than I can take.
And when you dive into the blue.
I’ll be right next to you.
I never wanna miss a thing.
We fall in love again.
You know I may hold on to June.
‘Cause all that you go through, I’m with you.

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