Madani & Manusiawi

Great People, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Resolusi Majelis Umum PBB Sidang 10/5/2024 : Palestina Diterima Jadi Anggota Penuh PBB, Dengan Hak Istimewa, Kecuali Voting. Honai : Peradaban Nusantara dari Papua Pegunungan. Jenderal Soedirman juga Sekolah dan ikut Pramuka. Revisi UU MK dan Pilpres 2024 : Kegagalan Pilpres yang Diwariskan akan jadi Bencana Nasional. MFN-18 : Speaking Through Films. Digi Bandoeng Festive 21-22 Mei 2024, at The House Convention Hall, Paskal Hyper Square. Don’t Miss It ..

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HONAI, rumah adat suku Dani setinggi 2,5 meter ( 2 lantai ), berbentuk bundar, dibangun dari kayu, dengan atap alang-alang.  Honai berpintu satu, tak berjendela untuk melindungi dari suhu dingin, dengan api unggun di tengah lantai bawah. Honai dihuni 5-10 orang yang menggunakannya untuk bersantai, dan menyimpan peralatan.

Rumah Honai juga ada di provinsi lain di pulau Papua. Tapi kondisi Papua Pegunungan yang dingin lebih menjelaskan kenapa rumah adat ini tak berjendela. Ingin tahu profil provinsi baru ini, dan karya budaya berikutnya ? Silakan.

Papua Pegunungan, provinsi di Indonesia yang beribukota di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, di perbatasan Walesi dan Wouma. Papua Pegunungan dimekarkan dari provinsi Papua bersama dua provinsi lainnya ( Papua Selatan, Papua Tengah ) pada 30 Juni 2022 berdasarkan UU no.16 tahun 2022 ( HUT : 25/7/2022 ). Papua Pegunungan adalah provinsi pertama, dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang tak punya garis pantai, alias terkurung daratan.

Provinsi seluas 51.213 km2 dengan 8 kabupaten ini bermotto : Bangkit Bersama Membangun. Populasi ( per 31/12/2023 ) 1.464.466 orang  ( kepadatan 29 / km2 ), yang 98% beragama Kristen, 1,83% Islam dan 0,15% aliran kepercayaan. Mereka berbahasa Indonesia ( resmi ), Dani, Ketengban, Kimyal, Kosarek, Lani, Nduga, Ngalum, Nggem, Walak, dan Yali. Rumah adat : Honai. Senjata tradisi : kapak batu, panah.
Web :


KOTEKA, penutup kelamin tradisi pria suku pedalaman di pegunungan Papua, seperti suku Dani, Lani, Nduga, Ngalum, Walak, dll. Koteka terbuat dari buah labu panjang ( Lagenaria siceraria ) yang isinya dibuang dan dibakar. Setiap suku dan kampung bisa berbeda bentuk kotekanya. Saat ini, koteka masih dipakai untuk perayaan atau pariwisata. Koteka sudah dicatat Kemenbudristek sebagai Warisan Budaya Tak benda Indonesia.

* NOKEN, tas tradisi Papua yang terbuat dari anyaman tali. Berbentuk jaring dari akar kayu pohon atau daun yang dikeringkan, dibuat tali, dirajut menjadi tas jaring. Noken Papua juga telah diakui UNESCO sebagai Warisan Dunia pada 4 Desember 2012.

* BAKAR BATU / BARAPEN, kegiatan memasak menggunakan batu-batu yang dibakar hingga panas, dengan melibatkan banyak orang saat upacara tertentu, atau sebagai tanda perdamaian setelah perang suku. Batu dan kayu bakar diletakkan dalam lubang, kemudian ditutup daun pisang dan rumput. Daging dan umbi-umbian diletakkan di atas alas daun ini kemudian ditutupi dedaunan.

* MUMI, jasad orang penting ( kepala suku, panglima perang ) yang diasap hingga kulitnya kering dan berwarna gelap. Empat mumi bernama Araboda, Aikima, Pumo, Yiwika, Yamen Silok dikonservasi pemkab Jayawijaya. Mumi di Lembah Baliem, seperti Wim Montok Mabel, panglima perang dari Distrik Kurulu, bisa dikunjungi wisatawan.

Suku Dani, Hubula, dan Yali memiliki tradisi mumifikasi atau pengawetan jasad manusia. Dalam bahasa Hubula, mumi disebut akonipuk ( manusia yang dikeringkan ). Umumnya, mayat anggota suku Dani dibakar, atau dikremasi. 

UPDATE PILPRES & DEMOKRASI 2024 ( per 16/5/2024 ) :

* Pilpres 2024 disimpulkan curang ( tak luber + tak jurdil ), karena 4 hal ini.

* Kegagalan pilpres 2024 yang diwariskan adalah bencana.

* TNI punya 3 kewajiban ( pertahanan, moral, kultural ) pada warga sipil.

* Revisi UU MK dan status hakim.


Ketika berusia tujuh tahun ( 1923 ), Sudirman sekolah di Hollandsch Inlandsche School ( HIS ) di Cilacap untuk pribumi dari golongan bangsawan, atau pegawai yang bekerja di pemerintahan Hindia Belanda. Lanjut ..

SOEDIRMAN PRAMUKA. Siapa guru kebangsaan Panglima Besar Jenderal Soedirman ?

Soedirman kemudian melanjutkan studi ke HIK ( sekolah guru Muhammadiyah, Solo ), tapi tak tamat. Di sekolah, Soedirman aktif dalam organisasi Ikatan Pelajar Wiworotomo ( IPW ) yang giat melakukan pertemuan organisasi, kesenian dan olahraga, termasuk baris-berbaris di mana ia kerap diminta menjadi komandan. Lanjut ..


VOICE.  This could be done through the UN session, which yesterday ( Friday, 10/5/2024 ) accepted Palestine as a full member of the UN, with special privileges, except for voting.  Indonesia is a co-sponsor of this resolution, after Wednesday evening ( 8/5/2024 ), I urged the international community to do something for Gaza and Rafah, Palestine.

Foreign Minister Retno and the ranks of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are working on it.  Thank you all, also to the people in 143 countries who supported this resolution after serial demonstrations by humanitarian fighters in various countries.  One progress has been made.  Hopefully more progress will follow for the Palestinian people.  Amen.

Writing and speeches are reliable media for voicing truth and goodness, reaching millions or even billions of people in the world.  There is trust and influence, which has been tested for decades or more.  You can also speak through films ( your world, Nish ) which begins with making a scenario.  What’s that ?

Scenario, a literary work that has a similar structure to drama ( setting, plot, characterization, theme ).  However, there are not too many monologues, and characterization is mostly described by dialogue between characters in the script, because the result will be a visualization of the scenario.

A screenplay is a blueprint / series of sequences written for a film or television show.  The scenario format is arranged in such a way that 1 page usually takes 1 minute.  It consists of action ( what we see ) and dialogue ( what the characters say ).

* The difference between a screenplay and a novel manuscript lies in the writing structure.  Scenarios are more detailed, starting from scene headings ( explaining to the reader the time and place where a scene occurs ), general description ( explaining the visual description of the scene heading ), names of characters or characters, dialogue, parenthetical ( character gestures ), shots ( depicting camera angles ) and transition ( how to visualize the movement from one scene to another ). Novel manuscripts only write headings, character names, dialogue and feelings.

Writing a film screenplay takes a lot of time.  Five steps to writing a film screenplay for beginner filmmakers :


Theme is an important element in  stories, films, novels, short stories, manga, to determine plot ideas, characters and settings.  In determining the theme of a film, a writer of books, novels and short stories can determine the theme through the main discussion in his writing. Like Raditya Dika, who often makes films based on main stories adapted from his novels, such as Kambing Jantan, Love Brontosaurus, and Half Man Half Salmon.

It is easier for novel and short story writers to formulate themes that will be adapted into films, because they already have their own story sources. Building a story requires strong diction and imagination.

* Determine the core story that will be developed into a scenario.  In the essence of the story, we already have a brief overview of the plot, main characters, and setting of the story.  The essence of the story can be from our  imagination or everyday phenomena.

2. MAKE A PREMISE & LOGLINE as the essence of the story through short sentences.  Describes the whole story briefly ( usually ) formulated as : character + has a goal + has obstacles.  In writing the premise, the entire story is described in just one sentence.  In the logline, the story is discussed at a longer length of up to one paragraph.  The premise and logline function as story references, so that the writer does not stray from the focus of the story when compiling the story plot.

* Synopsis, a complete written summary of the story containing all the important elements in the story, in the form of an outline of the storyline. Generally written as interesting as possible to entice readers to read the scenario from a half to two page synopsis.

* Determine the character, which is developed in more detail so that the actor or actress can play the character as best as possible.  Character details include role name, gender, age, physical characteristics, behavior, education, habits, relationships with other characters, and so on.

3.  ORGANIZE THE STORY FLOW / PLOT according to the length of the film. The pre-production phase can take a very long time. The story plot is arranged according to the type of film to be made.  In the production of long films and short films, the storyline is usually made in three story acts ( character introduction, character adventure, conclusion ).

In a plot arrangement, the story will be divided into several sequences.  The adventure chapter has a longer sequence. The introductory round and the conclusion round have the same duration.  If there are eight sequences in one storyline, the character introduction and conclusion rounds have two sequences, and the adventure chapter has four sequences.  Next, give the beat / content of the story about the character’s activities into a story that fills each sequence in the storyline.

* Determine the storyline to achieve certain goals. One and the same topic can be made into several plots, according to the point of view taken and the goals you want to achieve.

* Outline is a more detailed sequence of scenes by scene, or a description of the plot.  A scene is an event that takes place in a certain place and time.

4. CREATE A LIST OF SCENES in sequence in the plot that has been prepared.  It is better to record the story beats that will fill the sequence on paper or digital notepads, so that it is easy to organize the plot and not get lost, and can be used as a reference for filling in the story in the script.

5. WRITE A SCRIPT containing the entire story of the film until it becomes the final draft.  In Indonesian language lessons at school, dialogue scripts are usually only written in the format of the characters’ names and words.  However, in both long and short film scripts, the scriptwriting format is  more complex.  The script will consist of : a detailed description of the time, place, condition of the characters, and even the type of shoot that will be carried out during the production process.  So, a reliable script writer not only has good writing skills, but also imagination, understanding of shooting techniques and field conditions.

The script must be in accordance with the producer’s wishes.  Scriptwriters must have patience and determination, because revising drafts of a script can be very bitter, in order to achieve the sweetness of the final draft, before it is produced into a film. Effort does not betray the results.

** To be continued .. ( MFN-19 )
Now, listen to these music. Shall we ?

* MY FUNNY VALENTINE – Andien & Elfa Secioria ( Indonesia ).  Young vocalist & late leading Indonesian composer.

Some lyrics :
My funny Valentine.
Sweet comic Valentine.
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable.
Yet your my favorite work of art.

Is your figure less than Greek ?
Is your mouth a little week ?
When you open it to speak.
Are you smart ?

But don’t change your hair for me.
Not if you care for me.
Stay, little valentine, stay.
Each day is Valentines day.

* RESTORATION – Bob James ( America ) at Java Jazz Festival 2010, Indonesia.  My favorite jazz pianist.  This jazz master’s musical work is pleasant to listen to, when I read or reflect.

* An Evening with FOURPLAY ( live show ).  My favorite jazz group.  Only 4 musicians, but they sounded dense, because of their great skills.

* THIS MASQUERADE – George Benson ( live show ).  My favorite jazz vocalist. Sing while improvising with the guitar. Rare skill.

* MALIBU – Lee Ritenour ft. Phil Perry ( lyric video ).  My favorite song for contemplation. Often sung at weddings. Couples are a peaceful anchorage. As quiet as Malibu. Not noisy, not busy with arguments.

* MALIBU – Lee Ritenour ft.  Phil Perry ( USA, live show )

Some lyrics :
Forever you will be.
Exactly what I need.
to make sense of it
to make the pieces fit
You help me see it through.
oooh .. I need you.
There’s no place I could ever find
that gives me such peace of mind
and makes me easy . Free and easy.
There’s no place that I’ve ever been
that touches me within, quite like you do.
How I love you.
Yes I do.

* COUNTDOWN – Lee Ritenour, Phil Perry, Dave Grushin ( GRP : jazz label legend that I heard when I was little and was collected by my late father who was a jazz group saxophonist ).

** Hopefully, they will inspire you and more than 100 musicians and 18 bands who will appear at “Digi Bandoeng Festive 2024”, 21-22 May, at The House Convention Hall, Paskal Hyper Square. The Greatness of Bandung can be found in the festival.  Going deep into the crowd, people ..

Kabar geopolitik :

* Indonesia menjadi co-sponsor resolusi upaya Palestina menjadi anggota penuh PBB sampai disahkan resolusi yang memberi hak-hak istimewa bagi Palestina di PBB. Kecuali hak voting, Palestina memiliki hak dan kewenangan sama dengan anggota PBB lainnya. Keberhasilan ini sebuah terobosan bagi kesetaraan hak bangsa Palestina di tengah bangsa dunia, kata Kemlu Indonesia. “Upaya untuk keanggotaan penuh Palestina tetap akan didorong.”

Sembilan negara yang menentang Palestina jadi anggota penuh PBB : 1. Amerika Serikat ( sekutu terkuat Israel di PBB. Pada 18/4/2024, AS memveto resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB yang akan menyetujui upaya Palestina untuk menjadi anggota penuh PBB  ),
2. Israel ( tahun 2012, bersama AS menolak status pengamat bagi Palestina di PBB. Dubes Israel -Gilad Erdan secara fisik memasukkan salinan Piagam PBB ke dalam mesin penghancur. Menlu Israel – Israel Katz bilang,  pemungutan suara dan keputusan itu ‘hadiah’ untuk Hamas ),

3. Republik Ceko ( secara historis lebih pro-Israel-AS. Jakub Kulhanek bilang, masyarakat di wilayah Timur Tengah berhak mendapat prospek solusi damai yang menyelesaikan konflik secara permanen ),
4. Hongaria ( salah satu sekutu terdekat Israel di Eropa. PM Viktor Orban memiliki hubungan dekat dengan PM Benjamin Netanyahu selama bertahun-tahun. Oktober 2023, Hongaria menentang gencatan senjata kemanusiaan di Gaza ),

5. Argentina ( secara historis memiliki hubungan kuat dengan Israel dan negara Arab. Argentina tahun 2010 mengakui Palestina sebagai negara “bebas dan merdeka” dalam batas tahun 1967. Presiden baru Argentina – Javier Milei mengunjungi Israel dan berjanji memindahkan kedutaan negaranya ke Yerusalem, yang menunjukkan perubahan signifikan dalam kebijakan luar negeri Buenos Aires, setelah bertahun-tahun mendukung negara-negara Arab. Milei mengumumkan bahwa pemerintahannya akan menyatakan Hamas sebagai kelompok teroris terlarang, dan menyebutkan bahwa warga Argentina termasuk di antara ratusan orang yang disandera pada 7 Oktober 2023.

6. Mikronesia.
7. Papua Nugini.
8. Palau.
9. Nauru.
Mikronesia, Nauru, dan Palau merupakan negara kepulauan kecil di Pasifik dan secara historis memiliki kesamaan suara dengan AS. Tahun 2010, Mikronesia memberikan suara setuju dengan AS sebanyak 47 kali, dan hanya berbeda pendapat sebanyak tiga kali. Rekor perolehan suara di Palau setara AS, sekitar 96,5 persen.

Richard Gowan, direktur PBB untuk International Crisis Group, bilang, bahwa kelompok pemilih yang “tidak” dalam resolusi PBB ( 10/5/2024 ) sebagian besar bisa diprediksi. Sejumlah sekutu AS, seperti Australia, yang tidak mendukung resolusi ini enam bulan lalu, memutuskan untuk mendukungnya kali ini.

* Ukraina termasuk 25 negara yang abstain dalam voting resolusi terkait upaya Palestina menjadi anggota penuh PBB ( 143 negara mendukung resolusi, 9 menentang, 25 abstain ). Pemerintah Ukraina tak menjelaskan alasan abstainnya. Negara yang sedang perang melawan Rusia tersebut selama ini mendukung Israel demi mendapat pasokan senjata. Juga, menghindari konfrontasi langsung dengan pihak yang berpotensi sensitif terhadap masalah tersebut ( AS / sekutu utama Israel ).

Kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara sering didasarkan pertimbangan  kompleks, termasuk kepentingan keamanan nasional, ekonomi, dan politik. Mungkin juga ada tekanan dari dalam negeri, seperti opini publik atau kelompok politik.

Dalam mayoritas suara, Majelis Umum PBB merilis resolusi untuk memberikan “hak dan keistimewaan” baru pada negara Palestina. Resolusi ini mendorong Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk mempertimbangkan kembali pengakuan Palestina sebagai anggota penuh ke-194 PBB.


* Polisi Israel mengerahkan meriam air untuk membubarkan demonstran di Tel Aviv.

* 15 negara NATO mendukung Palestina jadi anggota penuh PBB.

* Andrei Belousov, ekonom yang ditunjuk Putin jadi menhan baru Rusia.

* Senator top AS mendesak Israel mengebom Gaza seperti Hiroshima.

* Kamp pengungsi Deir al-Balah menampung ribuan pengungsi Palestina.

* Arab Saudi membangun desa peradaban Islam di Madinah menjadi pusat kebudayaan baru.

* Mantan marinir AS dituduh melakukan aksi spionase, karena melatih pilot China mendaratkan pesawat di kapal induk.

* Strategi Xi Jinping menggelorakan Perang Dingin jilid II, salah satunya, dengan mendorong Prancis jadi superpower.

* Zionis Israel retak, PM Netanyahu ribut dengan panglima militer dan bos Shin Bet.

* Ukraina menggunakan taktik AS dalam Perang Vietnam untuk melawan Rusia.

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