Madani & Manusiawi

Great People, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

Archive for April 4th, 2024

Update Pilpres 2024 : Kepala Negara yang Netral / Tak Menyalahi Konstitusi, yang Tak Elok Dipanggil MK, Bukan yang Nepotisme demi Oligarki + Investor China ! Apa Indonesia Mau Dibiarkan Jadi Negara Kekuasaan seperti China ! Diskualifikasi Paslon 02 !! . Tari Soya-Soya : Peradaban Nusantara dari Maluku Utara. Hamas Vs Israel H-183 : Israel Serang Konsulat Iran di Suriah Hingga 7 Warga Iran Tewas, Iran Siap Balas Serang Militer + Pemerintah Israel. First Met Dwi Tunggal Soekarno-Hatta. Update Pilpres 2024. MFN-13 : Learn from The Best, Shah Rukh Khan.

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TARI SOYA-SOYA ( semangat pantang ), tarian khas Malut untuk  menyambut prajurit atau pasukan, setelah bertempur di medan perang. Tari ini menggambarkan perjuangan warga Kayoa di Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan jaman dulu.

Tahun 1570-1583 terjadi penyerbuan ke Benteng Nostra Senora del Rosario ( Benteng Kastela ) di ujung Selatan Ternate oleh Sultan Babullah ( Sultan Ternate ke-24 ) dan pasukannya, untuk mengambil jenazah ayah Babullah / Sultan Khairun yang dibunuh tentara Portugis. Pertempuran itu menandai kebangkitan perjuangan rakyat Kayoa terhadap penjajah dengan mengepung benteng tersebut selama 5 tahun di akhir abad ke-16.

Tarian Soya-soya waktu itu untuk mengobarkan semangat pasukan, setelah terbunuhnyanya Sultan Khairun ( 25/2/1570 ), atau perang pembebasan Malut dari Portugis hingga terusir tahun 1575. Pada masa berikutnya, Kesultanan Ternate menjadi penguasa 72 pulau berpenghuni di wilayah timur Nusantara, hingga Mindanao Selatan di Filipina, dan Kepulauan Marshall.

Mereka mengenakan pakaian berwarna putih dan kain sambungan mirip rok warna merah, hitam, kuning, dan hijau. Setiap penari mengenakan ikat kepala warna kuning ( taqoa ) simbol prajurit perang. Senjata pedang ( ngana-ngana ) dari bambu berhiaskan daun palem ( woka ) berwarna merah, kuning dan hijau, dipasang kerincing / biji jagung di dalamnya. Para penari juga membawa perisai ( salawaku ).

Musik pengiringnya : gendang ( tifa ), gong ( saragai ), dan gong  kecil ( tawa-tawa ). Empat sampai ribuan penari bergerak seperti menyerang, mengelak dan menangkis. Warga Maluku Utara sangat menjaga kelestarian tari ini, hingga generasi muda Malut sudah diajari Tari Soya-soya sejak kecil.

* Keren ya ? Sejarah penting bisa dikemas jadi tarian cantik yang rutin diajarkan ke generasi penerus, sekaligus mewarisi semangat patriotisme leluhurnya yang kompak dan pemberani. Apa karya budaya Maluku Utara / Malut lainnya ?

* SUKU DI MALUKU UTARA : Suku Ternate ( 40% populasi ), Suku Module, Suku Pagu, Suku Makian Barat, Suku Kao, Suku Tidore, Suku Buli, Suku Patani, Suku Maba, Suku Sawai,  Suku Weda, Suku Gne, Suku Makian Timur, Suku Kayoa, Suku Bacan, Suku Sula, Suku Ange, Suku Siboyo, Suku Kadai, Suku Galela, Suku Tobelo, Suku Loloda, Suku Tobaru, Suku Sahu, Suku Arab, etnis Eropa. 

* BAHASA DAERAH : Melayu Ambon ( satu dialek dengan bahasa Melayu ), Seti ( di area suku Seti, Seram Utara, Telutih Timur ), Alune ( di daerah Seram Barat ), Nuaulu ( dipakai Suku Nuaulu di Seram selatan, antara teluk El-Paputih dan teluk Telutih ), Wamale ( di Seram Barat ).

* LAGU DAERAH : Borero, Moloku Kie Raha, Dana Dana.

* RUMAH ADAT BAILEO di Maluku Utara mirip rumah adat Maluku. Rumah ini digunakan sebagai tempat musyawarah warga dan pemuka adatnya, serta tempat upacara adat Seniri Negeri. Berbentuk rumah panggung yang persegi, dengan kerangka kayu dan gaba-gaba ( semacam tangkai rumbia sebagai dinding rumahnya ). Atapnya dibuat agak besar dan tinggi dari bahan rumbia. Ada beranda atau teras di depan rumah.

* TARI LENSO, tarian muda-mudi dari Maluku dan Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara. Biasanya di bawakan beramai-ramai, bila ada pesta pernikahan, panen cengkeh, tahun baru dan kegiatan lainnya. Sekaligus ajang cari jodoh bagi para lajang ( ketika lenso / saputangan, atau selendang diterima, itu tanda cinta diterima ). Jika selendang dibuang berarti lamaran ditolak.

* TOTO BUANG, serangkai gong  kecil yang dipasang pada meja berlubang sebagai penyangga.

* KULIT BIA, alat musik tiup dari kulit kerang.

* PARANG SALAWAKU, parang besi tempa ( tangkainya dari kayu besi atau kayu gupasa ) sepanjang 90-100 cm dengan perisai ( dari kayu keras juga ) dihiasi motif simbol keberanian. Selain dipakai untuk perang, Parang Salawaku juga dipakai dalam Tari Cakalele.

* MANTEREN LAMO, busana adat Maluku Utara yang terdiri : celana panjang hitam dengan bis merah memanjang dari atas ke bawah, baju jas tertutup dengan 9 kancing besar dari perak. Leher jas, ujung tangan, saku jas di bagian luar berwarna merah.

Baju adat pria Malut : kemeja berenda dilapisi jas warna merah /  hitam lengan panjang. Bawahnya memakai celana panjang model cutbray dilapisi ikat pinggang.

Busana adat wanita Malut : kebaya pendek bersuji dan berkanji, dilengkapi perhiasan anting, kalung panjang dan cincin. Bawahnya mengenakan rok.

3 karya budaya dari Maluku Utara ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Budaya Takbenda Indonesia 2021, yaitu :

* LALAMPA, kuliner khas warga kepulauan Sula berupa nasi ikan daun pisang berbentuk seperti lemper dengan bahan beras pulut, rica / chili besar, ikan cakalang fufu, dan laksan. Biasa disajikan dalam acara adat perkawinan Saro Badaka, Tahlilan, juga acara formal upacara kenegaraan. Jika Lemper Jawa hanya dikukus, maka Lalampa yang sudah dibungkus daun pisang dibakar, sampai mengeluarkan harum yang menggugah selera. Lalampa berasa gurih dan legit.

* POLA, atau Sagu Bakar khas Sula berbeda dengan Sagu Bakar dari daerah lain. Pola disajikan sebelum Indonesia merdeka. Sagu adalah makanan pokok warga Sula dan Maluku Utara. Sagu juga sumber informasi budaya, alam, dan manusia sebagai identitas dirinya. Kini, Pola hampir punah karena warga Malut sudah mengonsumsi beras atau padi. Padahal, mengonsumsi Pola, hidup warga Sula lebih ekonomis, sederhana,  sehat dengan mengurangi konsumsi karbohidrat berlebihan, serta gotong-royong.

* MUSIK BAMBU TADA, bernilai sosial dan adat, sehingga bunyi tak bermakna jika unsur bunyi dalam musik tsb tak dipenuhinya. Bunyi musik dalam kepercayaan warga Weda adalah bunyi yang memiliki ide, maksud dan tujuan. Bukan sekedar bunyi.

Musik Bambu Tada tak bisa dimainkan sendiri, mesti banyak orang sehingga memiliki keindahan nilai estetika nada. Jika dimainkan secara kompak dengan beragam nada, dan mengikuti not, akan menghasilkan suara indah.

Maknanya dalam kehidupan : jika bertindak sesuatu dengan kompak, mengikuti aturan, segalanya akan berjalan baik, dan mendapat hasil  baik pula. Gerak itu menandakan kesatuan dan persatuan dalam masyarakat. Semangat gotong royong, gambaran jiwa masyarakat Gamrange ( tiga negeri bersaudara ), yakni Weda, Patani dan Maba sejak dulu.

Pemandu yang memberi aba-aba akan menentukan arah keindahan permainan musik Bambu Tada. Begitu pula dengan pemimpin, harus ada aturan yang diikuti,  tak menyimpang dari aturan tsb.

** Setelah provinsi terbanyak penduduknya ke- 31 di Indonesia,  Maluku Utara dengan 1.319.300 jiwa, berikutnya yang ke-32, provinsi Gorontalo dengan 1.192.700 penduduk. Kamis depan, Insya Allah ..

Mengesankan, atau tidak ?

“Demi persatuan aku memerlukan seorang dari Sumatera. Dia ( Hatta ) adalah jalan yang paling baik untuk menjamin sokongan dari rakyat pulau yang nomor dua terbesar di Indonesia,” ucap Bung Karno.

“Mendidik rakyat supaya cerdas akan memerlukan waktu bertahun-tahun, Bung Hatta. Jalan yang Bung tempuh baru akan tercapai kalau hari sudah kiamat,” kata Soekarno mengomentari metode pergerakan PNI Hatta.

Lho ? Gimana sebetulnya kisah Soekarno – Hatta, Dwitunggal yang terpisah politik ini ? Lanjut ..


UPDATE PILPRES 2024 ( per 4/3/2024 ).

* Secara formal dan materil, prinsip pemilu 2024  yang jujur dan adil tak terpenuhi ( JW sebagai kepala negara bertindak menguntungkan paslon 02. Anehnya dengan kejahatan konstitusional ini, MK merasa tak elok memanggil JW, salah satu biang kerusakan demokrasi 2024. Kepala negara yang tak menyalahgunakan kekuasaannya yang tak elok dipanggil. Bukan kepala negara yang bersalah yang dilindungi ). Daulat Rakyat di atas kekuasaan presiden.

Indonesia negara hukum, bukan negara kekuasaan. Bukti permulaan sudah ada kan ? Tinggal lindungi para saksi dari intimidasi tangan kekuasaan, agar berani bicara sesuai hati nuraninya. Itu tugas MK. Bukan cuma ikut arus kekuasaan ! Apa negara demokrasi ini mau dibiarkan jadi negara kekuasaan seperti China  ?? ). Sekali bohong, ke ujungnya bohong, karena kepalang.

* Rahasia penyelewengan putusan MK ( putusan semula menolak, setelah AU masuk, berubah menerima )

* Keberpihakan presiden pada paslon 02 melanggar konstitusi ( pemilu luber + jurdil ).

* JW terlalu percaya diri bisa mengontrol situasi. Padahal wapres sekelas GRR cuma ban serep.

* Tambahan suara dari efek JW + bansos sekitar 26 juta suara.

* Belum jadi wapres, GRR sudah minta dukungan. Anda ini siapa ??

* Efek JW dan Bansos menyumbang 26 juta suara terhadap perolehan suara 02 di Pilpres 2024 menurut perhitungan ahli ekonomi.

* Ide kumpul pendukung 03 dan 01 di DPR RI bisa 10 juta massa menggugat Pilpres 2024 curang.

* Para ketua partai insyaf-lah. Kalau tidak, anda akan dicatat dalam sejarah sebagai biang kebobrokan demokrasi Indonesia.

* Paslon yang terbukti terlibat dalam kecurangan pilpres bisa didiskualifikasi.

* Banyak pelanggaran yang dilakukan KPU sejak pendaftaran paslon.

* Hakim MK harus menghadirkan JW ( biang nepotisme, tak adil sebagai kepala negara ) demi rasa keadilan berpemilu kita. Keadilan substantif.

* Pembuktian pelanggaran asas dan prinsip pemilu di MK.

* Saksi peristiwa jika diperintahkan pengadilan / MK untuk datang bersaksi, tak boleh membantah / menolak datang, kecuali meninggal, atau sakit keras yang bisa dibuktikan.

* Bansos bisa dikonversi jadi suara.

* Kejanggalan rekap C1 hari H+2


SRK.  Who ?  At least 3.2 billion people on earth know him, including 1 billion fans, more than Hollywood’s Tom Cruise.  I know SRK in the films “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai” and “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham” ( which he starred in with Kajol, your idol – Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor, Rani Mukherji ).


* In 2001, SRK played a role in the family drama film “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham” by Karan Johar, which also starred Amitabh Bachchan as an authoritarian figure, and presented the ideological struggle between the two men. “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham” remained the highest grossing Indian production of all time in overseas markets over the next 5 years.

Some translations of Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham song lyric :

Sometimes happy, sometimes sad,
we will not separate.
You occupy every breath I take.
My life is in your shadow.
I will always adore you.
This is your will.
Hope you don’t come and go like the seasons.

I always light a lamp day and night at Your feet.
Wherever I look, I always see You.
These lips always say Your name
The love in my heart will never diminish.
This is not just a house, but Your temple.
May I always be in Your protection
May it remain fragrant with Your aroma.

Shah Rukh Khan, one of Bollywood’s most awarded actors. He received 14 Filmfare awards from 30  nominations and special awards, including 8 for Best Actor : the films “Baazigar” ( 1993 ), “Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge” ( 1995 ), “Dil To Pagal Hai” ( 1997 ), “Kuch Kuch Hota  Hai” ( 1998 ), “Devdas” ( 2002 ), “Swades” ( 2004 ), “Chak De ! India” ( 2007 ) and “My Name Is Khan” ( 2010 ).

SRK is nicknamed the “Baadshah of Bollywood”, “King of Bollywood”, or “King Khan”, for appearing in more than 80 Bollywood films, and winning many awards. Khan’s fans spread across Asia and the world in significant numbers. One of the most successful film stars in the world.

I’m amazed, how can a moslem actor become the “King of Bollywood” in a Hindu majority country ?  The moslem SRK’s tolerance for his Hindu wife until their marriage has reached 33 years now, is also extraordinary ( Hrithik Roshan couldn’t do it ).

Khan started his acting career at the age of 23 ( a year later than you, Nish ). From themes of romance, action, comedy, to themes of nationalism and global issues ( Islamophobia, terrorism, poverty of the majority of the world’s population, etc ).

I understand the problems of the country and the world today.  But, you said go up the small steps first, for those of you who are still focused on the theme of romance.  In the end, we will meet at the peak of our purpose as citizens, and servants of God, and contribute to a better world.  It’s just a matter of time. Take your time, please.

I am a generalist like Yudhishthira / leader in the Mahabharata, accustomed to seeing the world as a whole. It seems like you are a specialist like Arjuna who is used to focusing on your skills / target.  The man takes aim, the woman directs the aim. Maybe, we can learn from SRK, how to take that winding road, so we can get there faster.


Indian moslem actor ( born 2 November 1965 in New Delhi ), who is now also a television producer and host. SRK lived the first five years of his life in Mangalore, where his maternal grandfather, Ifthikar Ahmed, was chief port engineer in the 1960s. His paternal grandfather, Jan Muhammad, was an ethnic Pathan from Afghanistan. Shah Rukh Khan is also a Pathan from Peshawar, Pakistan, and his entire family speaks Hindko when speaking at home.  Khan’s father, Meer Taj Mohammed Khan, was an Indian independence activist in Peshawar ( now Pakistan ).

In 2010, Khan’s paternal family still lived in the Shah Wali Qataal area, Bazar Qissa Khawani, Peshawar.  Meer was a follower of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, and was affiliated with the All India National Congress.  He moved to New Delhi in 1948, after the partition of India.

Khan’s mother, Lateef Fatima, was the daughter of a senior government technician.  Her parents married in 1959. Khan calls herself “half Hyderabadi ( mother ), half Pathan ( father ), slightly Kashmiri ( grandmother )”.

Khan grew up in Delhi’s Rajendra Nagar area. His father owned a restaurant, and the family lived in a rented apartment. Khan entered St.  Columba in Delhi and took part in hockey and football, and received the highest award, the Sword of Honour.


Khan attended Hansraj College ( 1985–1988 ) to earn a bachelor’s degree in economics, but spent most of his time at the Theater Action Group ( TAG ), Delhi, where he studied acting with Barry John.

After graduating from Hansraj, Khan studied postgraduate Mass Communication at Jamia Millia Islamia, but left to continue his acting career. He also attended the National Drama School in Delhi when he started his initial career.

In 1981, Khan’s father died of cancer, and his mother died in 1991 from complications of diabetes.  After the death of his parents, Khan’s younger sister, Shahnaz Lalarukh, born in 1960, fell into depression, and Khan took responsibility for caring for her.  Shahnaz still lives with her brother and his family in Mumbai.


The young Khan acted in stage plays and was praised for imitating Bollywood actors, such as Dilip Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan and Mumtaz.

Khan began his career by appearing in several television serials in 1988. In 1988–1992, SRK’s television debut : the serial “Lekh Tandon Dil Dariya”, and “Fauji” which took a realistic look at the training of army cadets. Khan plays Abhimanyu Rai ( main character ).

SRK’s film debut was in April 1991 to relieve sad memories after the death of his mother.  He moved from Delhi to Mumbai to pursue a full-time career in Bollywood, and signed for 4 films.

He made his Bollywood debut in 1992 in the film “Deewana” ( SRK aged 27, a year after marrying Gauri ) which was released in June 1992, and became a box office hit and launched Khan’s Bollywood career. Khan received the Filmfare Best Male Debut Award for his performance. SRK’s early film roles were energetic and enthusiastic.

Khan played the antagonist in the films Darr ( 1993 ), Baazigar ( 1993 ) and Anjaam ( 1994 ). He only became famous after starring in romance films : Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge ( 1995 ), Dil To Pagal Hai ( 1997 ), Kuch Kuch Hota Hai ( 1998 ).  Mohabbatein ( 2000 ), Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham ( 2001 ).


In 1993–1994, Khan played villainous roles in two box office hits : the obsessive lover in the film “Darr”, and the killer in the film “Baazigar”.  “Darr” marks Khan’s first collaboration with filmmaker Yash Chopra and his company – Yash Raj Films. Khan’s performance in the film “Baazigar” ( his first acting with actress Kajol ), won Khan his first Filmfare Award for Best Actor.

In 1994, Khan played a musician who falls in love in the comedy-drama film “Kundan Shah Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa”, which he later called his favorite role.  Khan’s performance here earned him the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance ( also Khan’s best performance, which the media called “spontaneous, noble, virile, relentless, acting from the heart” ).

In 1994, Khan won the Filmfare Best Villain Award for his role as an  obsessive lover in the film “Anjaam”, which also starred Madhuri Dixit and Deepak Tijori.  At that time, playing an antagonist was considered risky for the career of the main actor in Bollywood. Ray even praised Khan, who he considered brave enough to take “human risks” and “push back the veil”.

In 1995–1998, Khan played romantic roles in 7 films in 1995. The first, Rakesh Roshan Karan’s melodrama thriller “Arjun”, starred opposite Salman Khan and Kajol.  In the romantic film “Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge”, Khan plays a young non-resident who falls in love with Kajol’s character during a visit to Europe.  The film was declared an “all-time blockbuster” by Box Office India, grossing over ₹1.22 billion ( 17 million USD ) worldwide.  The longest-running film in the history of Indian cinema is still showing at the Maratha Mandir theater in Mumbai after more than 1000 weeks as of early 2015. The film won 10 Filmfare Awards, including Khan’s second Best Actor Award.

After Khan’s 4 film releases failed critically and commercially in 1996, he played Rahul, a stage director who enters the love triangle between Madhuri Dixit and Karisma Kapoor  in the popular musical romance film “Dil To Pagal Hai”.  Khan won his third Filmfare Best Actor Award in this film.

Khan then played a college student in Karan Johar’s romantic film – “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai”, where he was involved in a love triangle with Kajol and Rani Mukerji, which became a blockbuster film of the 1990s, a “fusion of romance, comedy, and entertainment.”  Khan won the Best Actor award at the Filmfare Awards ceremony for this film.

In 2002, Khan played a rebellious alcoholic, opposite Aishwarya Rai in the romantic film “Devdas”.  With a budget of  over ₹500 million ( 7 million USD ), the film became the highest-budgeted Bollywood film of that time, but managed to gross ₹840 million ( 12 million USD ) worldwide.  The film received 10 Filmfare Awards, including Best Actor for Khan, and the BAFTA Award for Best Film Not in English.


The man whose birth name was Shah Rukh Khan married Gauri Chibber, a Punjabi Hindu, in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony on October 25, 1991, after a six-year relationship. They were blessed with Aryan ( son, born in 1997 ), Suhana ( daughter, born in 2000 ), and Abram ( son, born in 2013 through a surrogate mother ).

Even though Khan strongly believes in Islam, he also respects his wife’s religion. At SRK’s house, a Koran / Al Qur’an is placed next to a statue of a Hindu god.


Shah Rukh Khan has been active in the film world since 1988 until now ( 36 years of work, since SRK was 23 years old ) with a net worth of more than 600 million USD. Married in 1991 ( when SRK was 26 years old ) with Gauri Chibber and had 3 children.

Awards received by SRK : Padma Shri ( 2005, SRK aged 40 years ), Ordre des Arts et des Lettres ( 2007, aged 42 years ) and Légion d’honneur ( 2014, aged 49 years ) from the French government.

* Padma Shri : award from the Indian government for films with themes of Indian national identity, relations with the Indian diaspora community, gender, racial, social and religious differences / diversity.

SRK received acclaim for his roles as a drunkard in the film “Devdas” ( 2002 ), a NASA scientist in the film “Swades” ( 2004 ), a hockey coach in the film “Chak De ! India” ( 2007 ), and a sufferer of Asperger’s syndrome in the film “My Name  Is Khan” ( 2010 ).

SRK’s highest-grossing films : the comedies “Chennai Express” ( 2013 ), and “Happy New Year” ( 2014 ).


December 2001, Khan suffered an injury while acting in Krishna Vamsi’s film “Shakti : The Power”.  He was later diagnosed with a prolapsed disc, and no one was able to provide a permanent solution to the injury.  Khan still experiences pain while filming, so he reduces his work rate and the number of film roles he accepts each year.

In December 2008, Khan suffered a shoulder injury while filming a small role in Mudassar Aziz’s film “Dulha Mil Gaya”. He underwent special physiotherapy sessions at that time, but the remaining wounds barely disappeared, and he underwent arthroscopic surgery in February 2009.


Khan started producing in 1999 in collaboration with actress Juhi Chawla and director Aziz Mirza for the production company – Dreamz Unlimited.  The first production “Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani” ( 2000 ), starring Khan and Chawla, was a commercial failure, when it was released a week after “Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai” starring Hrithik Roshan, a newcomer at the time who critics called “heavily overshadows Khan”.

In 2001, Dreamz Unlimited made another attempt, with Khan playing the lead role in Santosh Sivan’s historical epic film – “Aśoka” ( a fictionalization of the life of emperor Asoka ).  The film was shown at the Venice Film Festival and the 2001 Toronto International Film Festival and received positive reviews, but performed poorly at the Indian box office. Khan was forced to close

In 2004, Khan changed Dreamz Unlimited to Red Chillies Entertainment, and appointed his wife / Gauri as producer. His first production, the comedy action film “Main Hoon Na” ditched the stereotypical depiction of Pakistan as the arch enemy.  Khan then played an Indian Air Force pilot who falls in love with a Pakistani woman ( played by Preity Zinta ) in Yash Chopra’s romance Veer -“Zaara”, which premiered at the 55th Berlin Film Festival to critical acclaim.  The film became the highest-grossing film of 2004 in India, with a worldwide gross of over ₹940 ( 13 million USD ), and “Main Hoon Na” became the second highest-grossing film with ₹680 ( 9.5 million USD ).

In 2004, Khan played a NASA scientist who patriotically returns to India to rebuild his hometown in Ashutosh Gowariker’s social drama film – “Swades” ( meaning: “Homeland” ).  Bollywoodized realism that holds transcendence in conventional narratives and audience amazement in Hindi cinema. Khan realized that the film’s deeply emotional and life-changing experience still wasn’t shown enough. An expatriate who devoted himself to India’s poor farmers.  Khan later won the award for the film “Swades” which entered Bollywood’s “Top 80 Iconic Performances”.

In 2015, Khan became co-chairman of the film company “Red Chillies Entertainment”, and co-owner of the Indian Premier League cricket team “Kolkata Knight Riders”.  Khan is also a television presenter and stage show performer which the media calls “Brand SRK”.  Khan’s philanthropic work, providing health care and disaster relief.

In the 2009 film – “Billu”, Khan played Bollywood superstar – “Sahir Khan” ( a fictionalized version of SRK ). As head of the film’s production company, Red Chillies, Khan changed the title of the film  “Billu Barber” to “Billu”, after hairdressers  took issue with the word “barber”.

After turning down the role then given to Anil Kapoor in Danny Boyle’s “Slumdog Millionaire” ( 2008 ), Khan began filming “My Name Is Khan” ( 2010 ), his fourth collaboration with director Karan Johar and his sixth with Kajol.  The film is based on a true story and was made to counter the perception of Islam after the attacks of September 11, 2001 ( my brother was depressed and almost committed suicide after seeing the WTC twin towers collapse under attack by terrorists ).

Khan plays Rizwan Khan, a moslem who is stricken with Asperger’s syndrome, and plans a trip to America to meet the US president.  Khan portrayed an Asperger’s sufferer with “quivering eyes, uncertain steps, memorized repetition of text” and earned the Autism Society’s gold seal of approval. Another example of Khan representing a non-resident Indian identity in global Bollywood.Khan spent several months researching his role by reading books, watching videos and talking to people affected by the situation.  Upon its release, “My Name is Khan” became one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of all time outside India, and earned Khan his eighth Filmfare Award for Best Actor ( tied with Dilip Kumar ).

Khan spent several months researching his role by reading books, watching videos and talking to people affected by the situation.  Upon its release, “My Name is Khan” became one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of all time outside India, and earned Khan his eighth Filmfare Award for Best Actor ( tied with Dilip Kumar ).

SRK was awarded the Pyramide con Marni by UNESCO in 2011 for his support for children’s education.  SRK is often included in lists of the most influential figures in Indian culture. In fact, in 2008, according to NW media, Kahn became one of the 50 most powerful figures in the world. In August 2017, SRK was the eighth highest paid actor in the world, and the highest paid in India, according to Forbes.

Apart from television serial appearances, Khan has hosted a number of televised awards ceremonies, such as Filmfare, Zee Cine, and Screen Awards.  In 2007, Khan replaced Amitabh Bachchan for one season as the host of Kaun Banega Crorepati ( the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ? ).  Khan took part in several concerts and trips around the world. One of them, with Bipasha Basu in 2012 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Khan, a celebrity with 2-3 films a year, constantly running television commercials, print ads and giant billboards stretching across the streets of Indian cities, with a fan base of around one billion people.  In 2011, SRK was declared “the biggest film star in the world today”.  According to a popularity survey, more than 3.2 billion people around the world know Shah Rukh Khan, more than Tom Cruise.  In a 2007 poll by Eastern Eye magazine, Khan was named the sexiest man in Asia ( with over 6% share of the television advertising market ).

In 2007, Khan became the third Indian actor to have his wax figure at Madame Tussauds museum, London, after Aishwarya Rai and Amitabh Bachchan.  Additional versions of the statue are housed in Madame Tussauds museums in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, New York and Washington. Khan has been the brand ambassador of various government campaigns, such as Pulse Polio and the National AIDS Control Organization.  In 2011, Khan received UNESCO’s “Pyramide con Marni” award for his commitment to providing education to children, making him the first Indian to win the award.  In 2014, Khan became an ambassador for Interpol’s “Turn Back Crime” campaign.  In 2015, Khan received a degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

*** “Such big things happen to normal people like me. I’m not the person who should be able to do all this, but I did it. I told everyone, that there is a myth that I work, and I am SRK’s employee. I live, I did it, I’m the actor. I don’t believe in myths,”  Khan said.

Khalid Mohammed wrote, entrepreneurship came to Shah Rukh Khan, who combined comedy, high drama and action, with his signature style : spontaneous and intuitively intelligent”.

March 7, 2013, a day before International Women’s Day, Khan requested a new convention with the names of his leading female stars above him. He said that the women in his life, including his co-stars, were the cause of his success ( behind great men there are great women ). Humble.

** May SRK’s achievements as a man, husband, father, moslem, actor, film producer and world citizen inspire us all.

KUCH KUCH HOTA HAI – OST film Shah Rukh Khan & Kajol.

Tum paas aaye, yun muskuraaye.
( Kau hampiri diriku, tersenyum manisnya ).
Tumne na jaane kya sapne dikhaaye.
( Tanpa sadar kau berikan impian kepadaku ).
Ab to mera dil, jaage na sota hai.
( Kini hatiku tiada lagi terjaga atau terlena ).
Kya karoon haye kuch kuch hota hai.
( Apa perlu kulakukan, sesuatu terjadi dalam hatiku ).

Na jaane kaisa ehsaas hai.
( Apakah perasaan ini ).
Bujhti nahi hai kya pyaas hai.
( Kehausan yang tiada ujung ).
Kya nasha is pyar ka.
( tanpa kusadari keasyikan cinta ini ).
Mujhpe sanam chhane laga.
( Menyerap ke seluruh jiwaku ).
Koi na jaane kyun chain khota hai.
( tak diketahui kenapa kedamaian hilang dilanda cinta ).
Hey.. hmm… Aa.. Aa..

Kya rang laayee meri dua.
( Doaku telah terkabul ).
Ye ishq jaane kaise hua.
( Hanya Tuhan tahu bagaimana aku jatuh cinta ).
Bechainiyon mein chain.
( Tidak kutahu kenapa kebahagiaan ).
Na jaane kyoon aane laga.
( muncul dari keresahan ini ).
Tanhaayee me dil, yaaden sanjota hai.
( Aku sendirian, dibalut memori ).

HAMAS VS ISRAEL Hari ke-183 ( Sabtu, 6/4/2024 ).

* Iran memastikan siap perang dengan Israel yang menyerang Konsulat Iran di Damaskus, Suriah, dan minta AS minggir, tak ikut campur. Hizbullah, sekutu utama Iran di Timur Tengah, juga memperingatkan Israel, bahwa pihaknya telah siap berperang. Wakastaf presiden Iran untuk urusan politik, Mohammad Jamshidi, memperingatkan AS agar tak terseret dalam perangkap PM Netanyahu. Sebagai tanggapan, AS meminta Iran tidak menyerang sasaran Amerika. AS kini dalam keadaan siaga menghadapi ancaman Iran yang menyasar aset Israel atau Amerika di wilayah tersebut. Presiden Biden khawatir setiap serangan bisa terjadi di Israel, khususnya terhadap sasaran militer atau intelijen. Republik Islam Iran bilang akan memberi tamparan keras pada Israel.

Biden mengambil langkah dengan komunikasi langsung ke Iran bahwa AS tak menyadari serangan Israel di Damaskus itu akan terjadi, untuk mencegah terjadinya serangan Iran terhadap pasukan dan pangkalan AS di Timur Tengah. Serangan udara Israel tersebut telah menghantam Konsulat Iran di Damaskus, dan menewaskan sedikitnya 7 warga Iran, termasuk dua jenderal. Meski Israel telah berulang kali menargetkan aset terkait Iran di Suriah selama beberapa bulan terakhir, baru kali ini serangan zionis Israel itu menghantam gedung diplomatik Iran.

Israel telah bersiaga sejak itu, memanggil pasukan cadangan dan memperkuat pertahanan udaranya. Militer Israel mengacak sinyal navigasi di Tel Aviv untuk mengganggu drone atau rudal yang bernavigasi GPS yang mungkin ditembakkan ke Israel,  Kamis ( 4/4/2024 ).

“Setelah itu, bagaimana Israel akan berperilaku, kawasan ini akan memasuki fase baru,” kata Nasrallah, pimpinan Hizbullah, milisi paling kuat di Timur Tengah, yang belum menggunakan persenjataan utamanya dalam pertempuran sehari-hari dengan Israel di sepanjang perbatasan selatan Lebanon sejak dimulainya perang Israel-Hamas pada 7 Oktober 2023. Hizbullah sepenuhnya siap  menghadapi perang apapun dengan Israel.

* Israel serang zona aman di Al-Mawasi, menewaskan 8 warga Gaza

* Hamas bilang, Israel tak serius tentang gencatan senjata dan pertukaran tawanan.

* WHO menyebut ada 721 serangan Israel yang menyasar fasilitas kesehatan di Gaza.


* Raja Charles III dan Ratu Camilla menyalami warga usai Kebaktian Paskah, tanpa kehadiran Pangeran William sekeluarga.


* Suasana mencekam saat gudang peluru Bekasi meledak, granat terlempar masuk rumah seperti perang. 90 persen bangunan ludes terbakar. DPR minta TNI bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan rumah warga akibat ledakan gudang peluru. Pasca ledakan gudang amunisi TNI, warga di Klaster Visalia mengalami trauma. 31 rumah di Bogor rusak akibat ledakan gudang amunisi Kodam Jaya.

* Paus Fransiskus bakal ke Indonesia 3/9/2024. Menag bilang, suatu kehormatan bagi bangsa.

* 1,6 juta orang memadati KRL Jabodetabek saat libur panjang Paskah.

* Kemnaker menyebut yayasan penyalur ART selebgram Aghnia Punjabi belum mengantongi izin. Pengasuh balita yang babak belur dihajarnya, terancam penjara 5 tahun.

* Kecelakaan beruntun terjadi di gerbang tol Halim Utama, melibatkan 5 kendaraan.

* Kemendikbudristek bilang, penting memfasilitasi pendidikan inklusif bagi anak Down Syndrome.

* Indonesia membuka kran impor 300 ribu ton bawang putih.

* 350 peserta memeriahkan Ramadhan Cup 2024, ajang silaturahmi pecatur.

* Harga tiket pesawat mencatat deflasi 0,97% di Ramadan 2024.

Written by Savitri

4 April 2024 at 08:09